Today is the 3rd and final day of Color War. It’s been a fierce but friendly 3 days of competition between Music and the Movies. Although the Movies are still in the lead, anything can happen by tonight at the Sing. The scores are close so whichever team puts together a better Sing will most likely win Color War. More about the Sing later in this blog…
Last night a cold front came through camp and boy oh boy was it a chilly night. The overnight temps were in the 50’s so our campers bundled up to stay warm in their bunks. Today started out cold and cloudy with the sun working hard to peep its head out here and there. While mostly cloudy all day, the temps hit close to 70 degrees, perfect for our Apache Relay this afternoon.
But first, back to last night,…the winner of Unique was the Grey Movies. Movies finally won a big event! Movies also won overall for the 2nd day’s decorum points. Going into the 3rd day of Color War in the morning, Music was still leading by 495 points.
This morning we had team meetings and then went into the last day of sports. Here’s a list of the sports the kids played in different groups: dodgeball, tchoukball, gaga, soccer, basketball, softball, touch football, water basketball, and SCB (snatch club basketball which is a combo of soccer, kickball, basketball, and steal the bacon). The overall winner of the sports this morning was Grey Movies.
After lunch this afternoon we had team meetings and then our big Apache Relay. The apache takes several hours and involves a few hundred campers on each team. They run all over camp and tag in each department to do multiple events before tagging to then run to a different department to perform more events. The apache is a big camp tradition and involves lots of fun tasks such as eating saltine crackers and whistling Yankee Doodle Dandy, running around the baseball field bases backwards, singing the camp alma mater over the PA system, etc. Our staff has some difficult tasks too, such as doing 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups (different staff members do each, but of course). The apache finally ends with everyone on the gym bleachers watching a camper from each team make a half court basketball shot. Today the teams were neck in neck until the end and it was a very close apache. Music beat Movies by only about a minute in total. At this point Blue Music is still in the lead by a little over 400 points. To see photos from today just check out our daily summer photos via CampMinder.
Color War closes tonight with our annual Sing. Each team gets judged by their creative entrance into the theater. They then take turns performing a March/Fight song, a Comedy song, a Skit, an Alma Mater song, and then they present their team’s Plaque. The entire night is very sweet and somber as Color War comes to an end. Everyone hugs, some cry, and we play the camp Alma Mater so everyone can come together and sing. Patrick Dyer, our video program director, writes a song every summer with a different theme. He creates slideshow along with the song for the camp to enjoy watching. This summer, Patrick’s song will be about the color war teams.
And finally, once the scores are all tallied up, Trip stands on the theater stage and announces the winner of the Sing and of Color War overall. The winning team will just up and scream and go crazy with excitement. The other team will be sad for a moment but they’ll quickly get over it by the time they head to canteen for junk food (Lol!). Since this blog is being posted prior to Sing, tomorrow morning I will post the winner for all of you. Until then, ILC U THERE!