New Years Reflection

We hope you all had a wonderful New Years celebration.  New Years is a great time to look back at your entire year to reflect.  We hope many of our Island Lakers took time to reflect on their summer experience at camp, with much anticipation of what’s to come this upcoming summer.

With that said, here’s our own reflection of last summer with a variety of photos that we blogged throughout camp.  Enjoy and again, happy New Year!


January Parents News

Happy New Year!  All of us at Island Lake hope you had a wonderful holiday season filled with love, happiness, presents, and lots reminiscence of wonderful memories from our 2014 ILC experiences.  As we sit here in our winter office with the chill outside, it feels as though summer 2014 is a distant, yet fond, memory.  Our countdown for summer 2015 has already kicked into gear and our opening day of camp will be here before we know it.  Words cannot even describe our excitement for summer 2015 to get here already!

Our camp reunion on November 22nd was a huge success!  Screams of excitement filled the air as campers and staff embraced one another.  We had a fantastic turnout, including children and counselors who flew in from other parts of the country just to see their camp friends.  The reunion never seems to last long enough.  Time flies when we’re having fun catching up with many of our Island Lakers.  Check out our reunion photos posted right here on our website, on our Facebook page, as well as on our ILC App.

We are busy preparing for 2 big trips that we are now offering to all of our oldest campers and CITs this upcoming summer.  Firstly, we are offering our 1st annual TEEN TOUR to all of our CIT-age kids entering 11th & 12th grade in the fall of 2015.  This teen tour will include traveling around the west coast of the US of A, visiting cities in states of California (San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, and more!), Nevada, Arizona, and more!  We guarantee that this is going to be a life altering experience for all of our CITs who take advantage of this amazing trip.  For more information check out the flyer enclosed with your January newsletter in the postal mail or simply give us a call at our winter office and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Our 2nd trip is our annual 4 day/3 night TEEN TRIP that will be visiting Boston, Massachusetts this summer in our 3rd session.  This Boston trip will be offered to all campers entering 9th grade and higher.  Check out more details in your January newsletter and if you have any additional questions again, feel free to give us a call.  The enrollment forms and more details for this trip will be mailed out shortly to all who are eligible to take advantage of this fun-filled experience.  Not only will we be visiting Boston but we will also take a day trip to Martha’s Vineyard.  So,…much,…FUN!!!

A reminder to our summer ‘14 and ’15 families, don’t forget to read our monthly newsletters.  You can access them here on our website, as well as in your postal mailbox at the start of every month.  Our newsletters provide important information for parents as well as campers, including enrollment and availability updates.

Speaking of enrollment, if you have not yet registered your child for summer ‘15 but plan to do so, please, please, please do not put it off any longer.  Some of our bunks are now completely full.  We truly do not want to turn away loyal campers, so let’s avoid that from happening.  You can register your child with the registration form mailed to you with your newsletter or you can download the form here on our website under “Island Lake Families” and then “Forms & Mailings” (on the left-hand side of the page).  It only takes a few minutes to fill out the registration form, we promise!  For those of you who registered your campers prior to December 1st, keep an eye on your mailbox (the snail mail kind) for your child’s special edition ILC t-shirt that will arrive sometime in January.

To all current Island Lake families, we look forward to an amazing summer 2015 with your children.  To all previous or prospective families, feel free to contact us if you have any questions after browsing our website:  800-869-6083 or 914-769-6060.  And last but not least, all of us here at Island Lake wish you, our campers, parents, and staff, a very Happy New Year!!!  ILC U THERE (at camp this summer)!!!

Happy Holidays!

All of is at Island Lake would like to take a moment to wish all of our camp families a very Happy Hanukkah and an early Merry Christmas.  We hope you all enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Wishing you all the best,

Bev, Mike, Matt, Wendy, Craig, Trip, & Dustin

The Gift of Island Lake

With the holiday season upon us, why not give the gift of Island Lake Camp to your children?  If you have not yet registered your child for summer 2015, please don’t hold off any longer.  Some bunks are already full in certain sessions and we’d hate to have to turn your children away from bunking with their friends.  This inevitably happens every summer and we’d really like to prevent that from happening to any of our “happy campers” this year.  The only way to assure that your child will be placed back in a bunk with their friends is to enroll them now, before it’s too late.

Registration forms are sent out with your newsletters monthly to families who have not yet enrolled for summer 2015.  If you no longer have your enrollment form handy then you can go ahead and print one here right off of our website.  Just click the link at the top of this page that says “Families” and then click the link on the left hand side of the page that reads “Forms & Mailings”.   The “2015 Enrollment Form” is right there in a pdf file for you to open, print, fill out, sign the back, and return to our NY office.  We’ll then enroll your children and mail you a confirmation shortly thereafter.

So what better gift can you give your children for Hanukkah or Christmas than the gift of ILC?  We may be biased, but we think camp is the greatest gift any child could receive.

With that said, we wish all of our Island Lake families, returning and new, a very happy holiday season.  May the upcoming festivities bring you joy, love, laughter, family bonding, and most importantly, lots of gifts!  (Wink wink!)

Happy holidays to all!

Fondly,  Your Island Lake Family   (Bev, Mike, Matt, Wendy, Craig, Trip, & Dustin)

December Parents News

We hope our Island Lake families had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  With winter just about here, it is our hope that your children still have camp on the brain and are continually sharing their wonderful ILC summer 2014 memories with you.  Our countdown for next summer has already kicked into gear as the opening day of camp will emerge upon us before we know it.

Our camp reunion on November 22nd was a huge success!  Screams of excitement filled the air as campers and staff embraced one another.  We had a fantastic turnout, including children who flew in from other parts of the country just to see their camp friends.  The reunion never seems to last long enough though.  Time flies when we’re having fun catching up with many of our Island Lakers.  Check out our reunion photos posted right here on our website, on our Facebook page, and on our Island Lake app.

A reminder to all families, returning and new, don’t forget to read our monthly newsletters.  They are located right here online, as well as in your regular postal mailbox at the start of every month. Our newsletters provide important information for you, including enrollment and availability updates.

Speaking of enrollment, if you have not yet registered your child for summer 2014 but plan to do so, please, please, please do not put it off any longer.  Some bunks are now completely full.  We truly do not want to turn away our loyal campers, so let’s avoid that from happening.  You can register your child with the registration form mailed to you with your newsletter or you can download the form here on our website under “Island Lake Families” and then “Forms & Mailings”.  For those of you who registered your campers prior to December 1st, keep an eye on your mailbox (the snail mail kind) for your children’s special edition ILC t-shirt that will arrive shortly after the New Year.
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and we wish you and your families a spectacular holiday season!  Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year to all!  ILC U THERE!

Virtual Tour of Island Lake

Hey campers, staff, & parents, have you seen the link on our homepage for our new virtual tour of Island Lake?  If not, check it out & take the tour right now!  Just click our logo at the top right of this page to take you to our homepage and then click the “Virtual Tour” at the bottom of the page.  You will feel like you’re back at camp once again.

Camp Article for Parents

Hey parents, check out this article from the Huffington Post,…

Successful Camp Reunion!

Our Island Lake Camp Reunion this past Saturday at Sportime USA was a HUGE SUCCESS!!!   Thanks to our campers, their parents, and our staff, as all of you made this day special for everyone involved.  Our kids had a fantastic few hours with their camp friends running around playing games, going on rides, and plain ol’ hanging out with one another, catching up on the past few months.  The screams of joy as friends embraced one another was as heartwarming as ever.  There is nothing like the friendships that are created at ILC.

Keep an eye out for our reunion photos which will be posted on our website and on our ILC app real soon.  They’re already on our Official Island Lake Camp Facebook Page, as well.  Below is just a glance at some of the photos you can find on our social media.

Thank you, again, to all who made Saturday’s reunion so very special for everyone involved. Now the countdown to summer 2015 officially kicks into gear,..213 days!

Happy holidays to all and until we reunite at camp once again, ILC U THERE!

Reunion 5 Reunion 10 Reunion 9 Reunion 8 Reunion 7 Reunion 6 Reunion 4 Reunion 3 Reunion 2 Reunion 1

Halloween Throwback

It’s never too late to send us pics from previous holidays!   Darien Gyselen just shared with us this picture of herself with her little sister, our future Island Laker.  Are they cute or what?Gyselen Halloween

Camper T-shirt Day

We hope lots of our campers sported their Island Lake t-shirts at school today.  Maddie Weiss and Barbara Gilman participated in the fun.  Thanks for sharing your photo with us, girls!  See ya at the reunion on Saturday!

Camper Tshirt Day