An Alumni’s Amazing Camp Journey

L’Shanah Tovah to all of our camp families who are celebrating the Jewish New year! I’d like to make this week’s blog a little different and very special by posting a recent blog written by one of our Island Lake alumni who attended our 30 year reunion. What makes this special is that she was never a camper at Island Lake, rather she worked as a counselor for 2 summers, 1991 and 1995. ILC can have a profound affect not only on children, but also on our staff, as you will come to understand upon reading this fantastically written blog.

Thank you Jeannie Young for letting us repost your amazing journey. We loved spending time with you at the reunion and are happy that ILC is still so dear to your heart all these years later!



This past weekend I was able to head to the east coast for a reunion. Not family, high school or college. It was a 30 year camp reunion.  That’s right CAMP- summer camp.
The short back story is:

When I was wrapping up my freshman semester in college I ran into one of my new college BFFs at lunch. She was telling me about the “camp fair” being held at the UGL and she was going to spend her summer up north as a camp counselor.

This sounded really cool so I head by the UGL on my way to class and talked to Mr S about his camp. For this very sheltered southern girl- I really liked this man. He had spunk and his program looked amazing. But what could I do??? They needed a sailing instructor and waterfront staff. Guess I looked like I would fit in the life jacket and I was hired. This spunky man assured me I would be able to teach the kids how to sail way before they ever arrived. That’s right, never sailed a day in my life but he had faith in me and the little Sunfish sail boats! I signed a contract and I was headed up north for the summer as well. After all, I love kids so that part I had down and Mr S seemed to believe in me, so did I!!

I could write a book about that first summer, it was an incredible experience.  What I want to fast forward to was the last summer I worked at camp.  I went back the summer I graduated. This time my BFF was not with me so I was going alone.  There was a boy that I knew would be there but  there would also be a whole new class of counselors coming in so I was not guaranteed a place in his life. The bonus- this time I knew how to sail!

This camp just put a bow on their 30th summer and hosted a camper and counselor  reunion.  All you had to do was:

  • RSVP
  • Get yourself there
  • Pick a bunk
  • Have fun
  • Clean up when you leave
  • Get yourself home

BFF calls and game is on!! BFF plans where we can meet up and all the details for me-everyone needs a friend like this!! I am crazy blessed because I have more than one.  All I had to do was get to the DC area and she has the rest taken care of. All the stars aligned- her time and my time work out and we are soon touring DC late at night getting caught up before heading further north the next day.  We take our best “Thelma & Louise” picture, hand off her munchkin, and peel out of the driveway!

We made our route from DC up to the top corner of Pennsylvania/NY.  Friend and I never even turned on the radio.  We cruised, top down and chatted the entire time!! This is what happens when you get to see your lifetime friends and kids are not around.

We stopped in Gettysburg:

 and walked around-found a Starbucks (but no “you are here” mugs) and kept cruising.  As we drove into the middle of nowhere a flood of memories came back from my last trip to camp 20 years ago.

It hit me out of nowhere that I drove from Austin all the way up north mostly  alone (I did have a guy along for the ride that I dumped off at State College-which was not soon enough) but from that point, I was alone.  These were the glory days of no GPS, no navigation system and certainly no Waze app!!  I did have an atlas and a fancy Motorola flip phone:  Which was an upgrade from my original:

The bag phone

il_340x270.526966949_ew16It cost a trillion dollars to talk on these phones, so they were really for emergencies and calling your dad when your tire blew out.

Anyways, as we are driving in the middle of nowhere, I start thinking how the heck did I do this by myself at 22?!?!?!  My BFF that went with me the first year, this would not be a big deal for her.  She is an army brat and lived all over the world. Remember, I am sheltered girl from the south! Somewhere within me there was no fear to take this adventure on myself and sort of roll the dice as to how it would work out for the summer and with the guy mentioned above.

Then it hits me that I made the drive home totally alone-no one with me AT ALL!! I think back to how my camp experience opened so many doors for me.  These 2 summers up north, were far more than a job.  It really was a part of molding who I am.  I became a very independent girl.  I could travel across the country alone and survive. Not only did I survive but I thrived.  I meet people from all over the US and around the globe.  I really began to see the world differently and with excitement.  I grew to love all of the amazing differences in people and seeing that it doesn’t matter where you are from, what your religion is: we are all here on this planet trying our best to find our path, grow, love and LIVE.

I grew up a lot in that last summer.  Our experiences should continually mold, shape and make us into better people and I feel that I grew into a better person little by little. This is also a continual process, we should not stop growing in this life.

What I realized when I went back this weekend is that the place has changed.  They now have a pool (we only had the lake), more tennis courts, amazing high ropes course, skate park that my boy would go nuts about and so much more!! Lots of really amazing NEW additions that make the place even better which in my opinion, did not need to be added. It’s incredible changes that make it an even greater experience for their campers (and counselors). One of the big changes, has been the updating of the bunks as well.  The bunks were more than 30 years old as the camp was owned by someone else previously.  This weekend, we stayed in the new bunks that while they maintain the integrity of the original look/feel on the outside of the camp. Inside they are really nice and look very different.  The old bunks could have a skunk come up under it and you could see it through the floor slats (smell it for sure). These new ones have great flooring, insulation, bathrooms, storage, etc.

I spent the weekend around familiar friends and made new ones. One gift from this weekend was one that not many will even think about.  For me it’s enormous!!! Our bunks for the weekend were co-ed and the peeps in my bunk were all from my same age range.  There were a number of guys there without their wives and a few girls their without their guys.  Everyone was loyal and respectful of the loved ones that were at home manning the fort.  It was such a wonderful group of people to be with that my soul was really blessed.  Little do these men know, they added a piece of hope back into my life that-these type of guys really do exist.

The last night in camp, 3 of us slept in an old bunk.  Really it was to get some sleep and to escape the snorers in our room!

I took a picture as I went to sleep because the new bunks, do not have these old wooden rafters.

  There are some really funny memories in the old rafters of my bunk and for others as well.   Soon, the remainder of the old bunks will come down in the off season and the sparkly new ones will go up.  The outside will look so, so similar-but the inside will be brand new.

This is what is continually going on in my life these days. The outside of me looks quite the same- a bit older and tired perhaps.  But the inside is continually being rebuilt and hopefully made better.  Sometimes it is hard to let go of what you really loved from the past. But when it is rotting, falling apart and not at it’s best for the campers-it must come down.  Same for this counselor. What is not at it’s best from me must be removed and built anew. There is no reason for me to continue to live in the old bunk when I have the ability to build a completely new one. I can still have the same outward, visual integrity of the original bunks but the new one will have to look totally brand new on the inside.  Because why would you want to spend all the time doing the demo, hauling the old stuff away to rebuild at a higher cost with the old rotting supplies that you just demo’d???

Being back at camp this weekend was great to revisit some great times in my life, laugh a lot and just think. I was reminded how independent and strong I can be alone. That taking chances and living by faith actually can be life changing and really amazing.  I was reminded that I need to completely build a new bunk for my campers and this counselor. I also realized that while I really loved “camp” the way it was 20 years ago and never had a need for the pool,skate park, etc. that these additions can make the whole camp experience even better.  Currently for my little campers and this counselor we are reconstructing a brand new bunk.  At the same time we are looking at new additions that have the potential of making our camp experience even better.  I just hope that the new skate park that is going in is built really well to endure the demands of my little campers.  Because some days, these campers ride really smoothly and will have little problems nailing all of their tricks. Other days, they are going to fall, hit the ground hard and need a lot of help and encouragement to get back on the board and take it on again.

If our new skate park that is being built is as amazing as the one at camp- my boys are going to be just fine.  Since I do not get to see the blueprint and approve the plans then I am going to sit back and watch my boys  ride the ramps and hope that she will always ensure my campers have their helmets on and are protected while skating.


Fiercely loving~


September Parents News

It was with great sadness that we bid farewell to our ILC family on August 17th. We truly enjoyed spending an AMAZING summer with all of our campers and staff. Was summer 2015 the best because of our incredibly awesome counselors? Was it because we had the greatest group leaders, department heads, and head counselors ever? Was it our fantastic teen trip to Boston and Martha’s Vineyard? Could it be because of the fun theme days and evening activities such as Counselor Switch Day and Revival Night? Or was it because we had the coolest, happiest, most amazing campers ever? We are sure it was a combination of all of these things that made this summer so special. One thing we can tell you with all sincerity is that this was one of our BEST ILC SUMMERS YET!!!

We’d like to thank you for your wonderful calls, letters, and emails regarding this past summer. These generous gestures mean a great deal to us. Now go get a pen and paper to save the date for our annual camp reunion, which will be held on Saturday, November 21st at SportimeUSA in Elmsford, NY. Details are in our September newsletter and we hope our campers can all make it!

Registration for Summer 2016 has exceeded last year’s enrollment at this point in time. We’re thrilled to know that we had so many happy campers with us this year. Remember, camp fills early! If you have not yet registered please do so immediately. We extended our pre-September 1st rates through September 15th, so take advantage and avoid being closed out later on. We don’t like turning campers away so please don’t hold off too long.

Cancellations can be made through January 1st and we will refund all of your money less the $100 enrollment fee. You will save more than $100 if you re-enroll now, so financially it makes sense to hold a spot and be guaranteed another summer of fun. Remember, there is a rate increase on November 1st.

Well, those three torturous words, “back to school,” have already become a reality for all of our campers who are stuck behind a school desk, daydreaming about their Island Lake experience. We wish you all a wonderful and healthy school year. Now your campers can start their countdown until next summer when I-L-C U in Starrucca, PA once again!

Early Rates Reminder

It’s hard to believe that summer has come to an end and all of our campers in the northeast are heading back to school this week. Does summer 2015 feel like a dream? We hope our campers are still talking about their amazing Island Lake experiences from this past summer, even once they’re behind the desk at school.

We have a couple of reminders for our ILC parents. Our September 1st rates are only in effect for a short time longer. If you haven’t yet enrolled your child for summer 2016 and would like to take advantage of our early rates, please be sure to mail, fax, or scan/email your forms to us ASAP. You can also take advantage of our additional discount if you pay in full now. Please see the letter we mailed home for more details or give us a call.

That brings me to my second reminder. We are now back in our winter offices. We are no longer up at camp (boo!) so please use our winter address and phone numbers for all forms and inquiries. Here it is:

Sports & Arts Center at Island Lake

175 Tompkins Ave.

Pleasantville, NY 10570


914-769-6161- fax

954-688-9527- Wendy’s direct line in Fla

That’s about it for now. Until next week, ILC U THERE!

30 Year Reunion!

We just said goodbye to many of our alumni after having an incredible weekend with all of them.  It was great to see so many familiar faces ranging from back in the mid-late 80’s through the 90’s and into the millenium.  Everyone had a ton of fun together and took loads of photos.  Here are the highlights of the weekend:

1.  Friday night social up at the hockey rink.  Many arrived late due to traffic but immediately joined all of the fun into the late hours of the night.

2.  Panic!  Alumni brought out old bunk photos from when they were a camper, 5-year jackets, 10-year jackets, and even a 20-year jacket.  Some people sported their ILC shirts with our old logos on them, as well as Color War t-shirts from back in the day.

3.  Time Capsule!  3 guys who grew up with us in the 90’s- 2000’s from the youngest bunk to the oldest bunk buried a time capsule on the island in our lake back in 2001.  Yesterday they retrieved that time capsule and most of their treasures were still in great shape.  They found an old large canteen token, Color War lists, song sheets from a play they were in, silk-screened shirts they made, letters they wrote to themselves, photos, and other fond memories.  It was great to watch them remember all these mementos that were so important to them back when they were children.

4.  Bevwiches!  We opened canteen during the pool party and we can’t tell you how many people enjoyed their favorite canteen item, a Bevwich!  Yum!

5.  Cookout!  We took a huge reunion group photo during our Saturday evening cookout.  Although a few people missed the photo (myself included since I was taking it), I think we captured a good number of our alumni in it.

6.  Campfire!  Saturday night’s campfire was a good time for everyone to hang out together one last time.  S’mores were made and then many people watched the famous Island Lake Camp movie, Beaverhead.

I’m sure everyone who experienced this 30 year reunion has tons of additional great memories of our amazing weekend together.  Please feel free to upload all of your reunion photos to #ILC30Years.  Until our next big alumni reunion weekend, ILCUTHERE!

  • 30 Year Reunion Group Photo

Sunday, August 16th- Final Blog of the Summer

Sadly, today is our last full day of camp. Summer 2015 here at Island Lake has been absolutely fantastic! We could not have asked for a better summer filled with happy campers and amazing counselors. Your children will for sure come home with long lasting memories of their experiences here at ILC this summer.

Tomorrow the buses should all arrive at their designated bus stops between 11:30am-12:00pm, give or take a half hour. Please be there on time to pick up your children. If you are not sure which bus stop we have in our records for your children, please call us here at camp before 4:30pm when the office will be closing for tonight’s banquet festivities.

Today we let the camp sleep in and we had a late wake up and breakfast at 9am. The kids then went back to their bunks to start cleaning up. We then had our big session 3 Dance Show in the theater for all to enjoy. Lunch followed and then we had our 3rd annual Color Run. Most of the camp participated in this fun run today. As they reached certain locations they get sprayed with powdered paint of different colors. They all eventually gathered by the lake at the finish line, proud of their accomplishments.

Directly after the Color Run we have our final Rock Concert of the summer right there at the lake. Following the rock concert all of the kids go back to their bunks to pack, sadly. They collect all of their belongings at the different departments at camp- arts & crafts, skatepark, sports, music, etc.

Tonight we have our annual ILC banquet in the dining room. Instead of eating cafeteria style, the kids will all sit at the tables of their choice and the kitchen staff will bring the food out to the tables. We’ll play music and there will be some dancing, lots of picture taking, and some awards will be presented after dinner.

After the banquet we will go down to the waterfront where each bunk will take a candle onto the lake and make a bunk wish together. Following this we will burn the “Island Lake 2015” sign on the water and we’ll sing some camp songs, including our ILC alma mater. We will end the waterfront portion of the night with a big firework display.

Once the lakeside events are complete, we will all head into the theater to watch the summer 2015 Island Lake video yearbook. The yearbook is a compilation of the entire summer here at camp. After camp we will make duplicates of the yearbook and send them to every ILC family.

Although it will be a bit later than usual, we’ll allow all of our campers to make one last trip to the canteen to eat their hearts out one final time. Based on how late the yearbook runs we will decide when everyone’s curfew will be.

And that’s about it for the Island Lake Summer 2015 blogs. It’s been a pleasure writing for all of you every day. I hope you enjoyed reading my blogs as much as I enjoyed writing them for all of you. We hope your children all come home “happy campers” tomorrow and healthy, sort of clean, with all of their personal belongings. Our office here at camp will remain open for a couple more weeks so if you need to contact us, just give us a call here at the camp number.

It’s been the most amazing, fantastic, wonderful summer, and until next year when we can all be together once again, ILC U THERE!!!

Saturday, August 15th

Today is our last day of majors and minors for summer 2015. Hard to believe that camp is almost over! It truly feels like yesterday when our 1st session buses rolled in to drop off our campers. It will be sad to say goodbye to so many friends we made throughout this fantastic summer.

Today has been a very busy day here at Island Lake. It’s everyone’s favorite theme day, Counselor Switch Day. At breakfast, male counselors were moved to the girls bunks and female counselors to the boys bunks. The kids have a blast with this day as they dress up their counselors and terrorize them. You’ll see lots of pics below. Gotta love camp!

In waterfront news, today is the overnight river trip. Kids will spend all day canoeing and kayaking down the Delaware River. They’ll camp out and then return to camp tomorrow. The kids always rave about this trip.

Today is also International Sports Day. We offered international sporting events during all 3 of the minors. Such activities include cricket, world cup basketball, team handball, world cup soccer, Olympic archery, Olympic fencing, Olympic martial arts, Olympic wrestling, gaelic football, caber toss and field games, and 3 on 3 beach volleyball.

But wait, it doesn’t end there! Today is also our Magic Show. It’s being performed during the 3rd minor at the magic building for all who were interested in signing up to watch it.   Lastly, today we also offered American Ninja Warrior for kids to participate in running and obstacles around camp.

One more exciting event that is going on here at camp today- our Skatepark Competition! Campers of all levels, beginners to advanced, on skateboards and rollerblades, participate in this competition. Fun events for campers with all different activity interests here at Island Lake!

Camp of Thrones has come to an end. Our campers and staff had a fun time participating on the teams and in the challenges. The winning team, which will be announced at dinner tonight, is Theatria (theater)!

At the end of the 3rd minor I will read a poem over the PA about activities being over and end of summer drawing near.  Over 50-75 campers will then come to the office to sing our alma mater as I play it over the PA.  It’s all very bittersweet.

Today’s special feature- campers & counselors in the dining room at lunch during a Counselor Switch Day sing-a-long! Enjoy the photos of the LBC (lower boys campus) counselors singing a pop song and the whole camp joining in.

Tonight’s evening activity is our musical performance of Footloose. We’re looking forward to seeing our younger and older campers perform on stage for all of their friends.

We have only one more full day left for summer 2015 here at Island Lake. Our blogs will continue, even after camp ends, and will run all year long on a weekly basis. Be sure to continue reading them throughout the fall, winter, and spring months. If any of your children have written anything about their summer here at Island Lake that they’d like to share with their camp family, I’m happy to post it in the blog. Just email the info to me at

Enjoy your last full day of peace and quiet in your homes before your children invade it,…uh, I mean return to you on Monday. We have one more blog to go while our campers are still here for this Island Lake camp season. Until then, ILC U THERE!

Friday, August 14th

Hi Island Lake Families! I’m happy to report that our campers, staff, and I are all safely back from our big teen trip to Boston. We returned last night around 10pm. I for one am happy to be back home in the 18462 to enjoy our final few days with everyone here at camp. I hear there were some server issues so the blogs couldn’t get posted every day so I apologize for that. Hopefully this one will go up without any hitches.

Today was a tubing trip for all of our waterfront enthusiasts. Our pioneering kids also had their big game day for Fortifying the Frontier. They worked diligently building forts all session and then today is like a big capture the flag sort of game. It was a great time for all who participated.

There’s been lots of challenges going on this past week with the Camp of Thrones. Departments have been taking over their neighbors and challenging others in their determination to rule the camp. More info will come tomorrow when the game finally comes to a close.

And now onto the Boston trip! Our participating campers had the most FANTASTIC four days of their lives! The kids got along very well with one another and followed directions better than I could have hoped for (well, for the most part, lol!). We had beautiful weather all days except day 2, which we still got through just fine because we came prepared with raincoats. On our final leg back to camp last night I asked my bus what their highlights of the trip were. I received different responses from each child. Such answers were Faneuil Hall, Blue Man Group, Duck Tour, Fenway Park tour, Shear Madness, Martha’s Vineyard, Six Flags, & the Basketball Hall of Fame.

With that said, today’s special feature is photos from the Boston Trip! Tonight’s evening activity is our 3rd and final Circus Show. We know it’ll be the best show on earth! Until tomorrow, which will be our last day of majors and minors (tear!), ILC U THERE!

Wednesday, August 12th

We apologize for the delayed blogs but we’ve had server issues the past couple of days.  Although no photos, here’s what we wanted to blog on August 12th:

Hey Island Lake families! It’s hard to believe we only have five short days left in the summer. Time sure flies here in the 18462; it seems like Opening Day was yesterday, and here we are in the twilight of the summer.

We have a camp full of rested campers thanks to the final ETB of the summer last night. Tomorrow will be our final Lazy Day of the summer. Groups 1 and 2 are over the moon because they get to see “Minions”! Our older campers (Groups 3 and 4) will be relaxing and enjoying the sun at Nathaniel Cole Park. Lazy Day should be a great day for all!

Today we took a healthy contingent of campers to Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame. They spent the day learning the history of America’s pastime… and probably eating pizza and a whole lot of fudge!

Up in Boston our kids got a little wet yesterday but still enjoyed a full day of activities:  tour of Fenway, Duck Tour, Science Museum, dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, and then saw a show they absolutely loved called Shear Madness.  It was interactive so the kids were able to participate in the whodunnit themed show.  Today they spend a beautiful sunny day in Martha’s Vineyard.  They’ll finish the day at California Pizza Kitchen before heading back to camp.  Tomorrow they’ll hit up Six Flags New England before heading back to their favorite home in Starrucca, PA.  Lots of photos to come.

Here at camp tonight’s evening activity is groups. On the boys’ side, Group 1 is playing Gaga, Group 2 is having a campfire complete with s’mores, and Group 3 & 4 are playing Extreme Handball (similar to regular Handball, but more EXTREME!). On the girls’ side, Groups 1, 3, and 4 are having a Big Sister/Little Sister Night, and Group 2 is engaging in Cupcake Wars! I for one will be stopping by to taste…I mean, judge the cupcakes.  Until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

Tuesday, August 11th

Hi Island Lake families! The weather gods did not smile on us much today. We had to deal with rain on and off for the majority of the day.  Thankfully, the sky cleared for us around dinner and we had a beautiful evening at camp.

Unfortunately, due to the weather, we were unable to send out our kids for the third session Tubing Trip.  Never fear though, the trip has been rescheduled and our campers will be on the water soon!  We were able to send out a group of campers to the Observatory this evening.  The sky has cleared and they have perfect observing weather!

Tonight’s Evening Activity is a Circus Show that will be preformed by our very own Circus Staff.  They’ve putting in hours and hours of hard work throughout the summer teaching our campers, but tonight, they are the stars!

In other news, our annual Teen Trip is underway and the lucky location this year is Boston!  Our campers have enjoyed a tour of Fenway Park, the Boston Duck Tour, spent some time at the Museum of Science, and walked the Freedom Trail!  Tonight they will be enjoying the theatrics of Shear Madness!

Enjoy the rest of your day, and until tomorrow ILC U THERE!

Sunday, August 9th

Hi Island Lake Families! I’m sure you’re sick of me saying this but today was another beautiful day in Starrucca, PA. The sun shined, temps were in the 70’s, and there was no humidity in the air. Another great day to play camp!

Tomorrow morning, bright and early at 6:30am we leave for our teen trip to Boston, MA. Our 9th grade and up campers who signed up for the trip, along with 8 staff and myself (Wendy), will be heading out of camp on two coach buses making our way to Boston (with a day trip to Martha’s Vineyard). Everyone is very excited for the trip. We will post photos of the trip with our daily summer photos on Friday once we return.

Today’s special feature is a little different. I had some CITs come to my office (3 are 1st year CITs and 1 is a 2nd year CIT). I asked them what their thoughts were about Island Lake over the years and their experiences as CITs. Here’s what they had to say, followed by a photo session (please excuse the grammar, as it’s all quotes directly from the kids):

Hayley R: I remember visiting my brothers here thinking I could never sign up and come to camp myself because I was terrified to be away from home. Now I can’t imagine not being here. I even show up in the winter office to say hi. I think that 8 weeks is too short because I would live my entire life here if I could. I watch a lot of my friends become counselors and think, “that’s going to be me next year”. It’s scary but I’m also very excited for it. I see similarities in my campers of things that I used to do, habits I’ve grown out of like messy areas. I see my counselors help clean my kids cubbies and I think, “that used to be me!” ILC is my home. I say every year when I go home that home is a 10 month vacation that I’m forced to take and ILC is my home.

Jordan C: It’s amazing to watch the camp change around me. The things I experienced at this place are truly incredible. To watch my campers make the same connections at similar events is amazing. It can’t just happen anywhere. I keep coming back because it’s awesome being here: the connections I make, the friends, the memories. Now I can guide my campers. And now I’m glad that I have this in my life. I would not be the person I am today without ILC.

Hailey B: I remember being in G1 and looking at my CITs thinking that it’s something I want to do when I’m their age. Now I’m there and I can’t believe it. I remember visiting in 2005 and thinking this is the coolest place I’ve ever seen. This is a place that I want to be. A lot of people don’t stay until they’re CITs so I’ve watched friends come and go. I’ve had so many over the years that even though I don’t keep in touch with all of them I’ve made so many memories with them.

Dustin S: So I think it’s really cool that we all started in group 1 and we were able to rise in the ranks up to be a CIT. Throughout the years as a camper we saw camp in a certain perspective that revolved around us doing everything: doing the activities, making friendships with our bunkmates. Now that we’re CITs we have a new perspective. It’s different and we get to help create those memories that we experienced as those campers. We get to watch all of these friendships grow. We get to help out at activities that make the camp run.

I hope you enjoyed reading perspectives from some of our CITs. Tonight’s evening activity is a camper favorite. Shhhhh, it’s a big secret,…Revival Night! If you aren’t sure what that is, just ask your children when they return home from their summers with us. I’m sure they’ll rave about it to you.

While I’m away on the Boston trip Dustin will take over the blog for me. No doubt, he’ll do a fantastic job reporting to you what’s going on here at ILC. We return to camp late Thursday night so I’ll be back behind the keyboard once again on Friday. Until then, ILC U THERE!