Sunday, July 10th

Happy Pajamas Day! We hosted our first official theme day today and lots of our campers sported their pajamas and onesies. Below are several photos I took at lunch to showcase our campers in their bedtime best.

It was a good day to wear long pj pants around camp because the temps didn’t warm up past the upper 60’s. Quite strange how the temps shot down like this in July but hey, it beats crazy heat and humidity that many of you are probably experiencing close to NYC and the NY metro area this summer. Tomorrow it’ll warm up close to 80 degrees once again here in the 18462. But back to today, we also experienced some on and off rain throughout the afternoon hours, but it wasn’t heavy nor did it last too long.

Below are photos of our campers looking all cute in their pajamy-jams and in their onesies at lunchtime today. Enjoy the pics!

Tonight’s evening activity is a double whammy. We have our ILC Magic Show combined with our Dance Show. We’re looking forward to kicking off our Performance Week tonight. Until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

Saturday, July 9th- Rookie Day!

Happy Rookie Day! Today we had a handful of future Island Lakers come to camp and receive the royal ILC treatment by experiencing several activities and dining with us for lunch. These children made friends with other rookies, in addition to our current campers. Some rookies are younger siblings of our campers and some rookies are the first in their family to get a taste of what Island Lake has to offer. The first Rookie Day was today and our second one is next Saturday, July 16th. If you or any of your friends are interested in having your young child experience ILC for a day in the life of a camper, just give us a call. We’d be happy to have your younger one join us here at camp for the day.

Although we didn’t have the best of weather today, our campers and rookies made the best out of what they were given. We woke up to misty rain and some fog, which stayed with us until lunch when a thunderstorm rolled through Starrucca. The rain stayed with us for a large portion of the day, but by snack break the skies cleared and the sun made its cameo appearance. We were able to end our Rookie Day with a pool party, which was a lot of fun for the kids. The rain unfortunately returned right as the pool party was ending so our rookies were able to have some fun in the sun while it lasted. (This weather forecast has been brought to you by Wendy B. Stravitz, your Island Lake meteorologist!!! Lol!!!)

This yucky weather got in the way of some special events that were supposed to take place today. We were going to send our water enthusiasts on a tubing trip down the Delaware River, but we’ll have to reschedule it for another day before this session ends. We also had to postpone some outdoor intercamp games, such as our 6th & 7th grade girls’ tennis, 6th & 7th grade boys lacrosse, and 8th & 9th grade boys hockey.

Last night our evening activity was a 2-parter. First we announced the winners of our annual ILC Session 1 Bunk Cup, followed by everyone’s favorite surprise evening activity,…Revival Night! As always, Revival was a hit. Here’s a run down of our Bunk Cup finalists. On the girls side, in 4th place was girls bunk 8, 3rd place was G21, and in 2nd place was G24. The overall winner of Bunk Cup on the girls’ side was,…drum roll please,…GIRLS BUNK 20!!! Woohoo! Yay!

And now on the boys side, in 4th place was B24, 3rd place was B21, 2nd place was B12, and the winner on the boys side was,…drum rolls,….BOYS BUNK 22! The overall big winner of bunk cup, for both the boys and the girls side was,…..BOYS BUNK 22!!! (Cheers from the croud!) B22 brought home the large gold bunk cup trophy, along with unlimited bragging rights for the rest of the summer. Go B22! We’re proud of you guys!!!

Today’s special feature is none other than our ROOKIE DAY! Tonight’s evening activity is GROUPS! Due to the on and off rain all day, each group’s activity is still up in the air, weather pending. We’ll have to decide on each group’s evening activity shortly before it begins. I’ll try to fill you in on what each group does in tomorrow’s blog. Until then, ILCUTHERE!

Friday, July 8th

Today we were back to our majors and minors once again. Yesterday’s Lazy Day was a nice break from our regular schedule but today we’re back to our regular routine. It’s been another warm day at camp with some mixed skies- clouds and sun on and off. No complaints about this summer’s weather since hardly any activities have been affected by rain. Woohoo!

Lots of sporting events went on here at camp and out of camp today. Our 8th & 9th grade girls tennis team played extremely well and all won their matches here at home this morning. Our 6th & 7th grade girls lacrosse team also had a home game this morning. We had 2 soccer games this afternoon for 6th & 7th grade boys and 8th & 9th grade boys. It was another big day of sports for our Island Lakers.

Today we also have our once a session river trip. Our canoe and kayak campers spend the day going down the Delaware River and then camp out for the night at nearby camping grounds. I’m looking forward to receiving feedback tomorrow from these kids regarding how fun this trip was.

In Bunk Cup news, lots of bunks have been challenging one another to friendly competitions. Department heads and group leaders have been giving out bunk cup points for a variety of different activities. Our campers are still excited to be in this friendly camp-wide competition.

Evening activity tonight is everyone’s favorite, most anticipated secretive activity of the summer. No, it’s not Color War! Here’s a hint,…it takes place down at the waterfront. All parents of returning campers should know exactly what I’m talking about. Those of you new to ILC will for sure hear about this activity when your child returns home. Oh ok, I’ll tell you. Evening activity is Revival night!!! I can tell you now since emails were already printed and post-dinner phone calls have been made so the surprise cannot be ruined for the kids.

Today’s special feature is a wide variety of the evening activities that took place last night. The pictures came out so cute that I just had to post some of them here on the blog. Enjoy, have a great Friday night (it is Friday, right? Hard to keep track here at camp!), and until tomorrow, ILCUTHERE!

Thursday, July 7th

Hey Island Lake families! It’s hard to believe we’re already 1½ weeks into summer. Time sure flies when we’re having fun! All of us here at ILC hope you’re enjoying all of our social media updates so you can feel as if you are part of the excitement at camp this summer. As a reminder, you can find us on the following websites:

  1. Daily blogs here on our website
  2. Daily tweets on Twitter (
  3. Short videos on our Facebook page (
  4. And of course, our daily photos and weekly videos through your CampMinder account.

Today was Lazy Day so our campers slept in and we had a big brunch at 10:30am. Groups 1&2 (our 6th grade and younger campers) went to see “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” which they appeared to have enjoyed. Groups 3&4 (7th grade and up) went to the bowling alley where they bowled, bumper bowled, and ran around playing arcade games. They, too, had a great time.

Tonight’s evening activity is GROUPS! Here’s a breakdown of what everyone is doing: Boys Group 1- they’re putting on an Ugly Fashion Show with girls group 1. I, personally, am looking forward to attending this evening activity to see what creative outfits these kids come up with: Boys Group 2- Cupcake Wars: Boys Group 3- pool party with girls group 3: Boys Group 4- they having an Egg Hunt, Island Lake style.

On the girls side, Girls Group 1- Ugly Fashion Show with boys group 1: Girls Group 2- Minute 2 Win It (just like the tv game show): Girls Group 3- Pool Party with boys group 3: Girls Group 4- Great Imposter game. This consists of each bunk bringing a laundry bag of items to the location where the activity takes place. The group leader will give them the name(s) of a famous person (or people) or hey, even people here at camp, and then each bunk has to pull items out of their laundry bag to dress up like those people and put on a skit to go along with it.

Today we experienced a mish mosh of weather here at camp. We had sun, we had clouds, we had rain, we had more sun,…the sky just couldn’t make up its mind so it kept us on our toes.

Since today was lazy day, I don’t have any special feature photos to post. I promise to be back with more on tomorrow’s blog. We’ll also post pictures from the movies and bowling alley tomorrow on our CampMinder photo page marked with today’s date. Stay tuned and until then, ILCUTHERE!

Wednesday, July 6th

It was another beautiful day in Starrucca, PA today. We’ve been extremely lucky with the weather so far this summer. The weather gods have been listening to our sweet prayers and are blessing us with warm temps and beautiful skies.

Last night’s Island Lake Idol was a huge success. A camper from each group sang their heart out and you will be shocked to hear who our winner was. It was a little girl from girls group 1! Her name is Alexa W. and she was absolutely AMAZING! She sang so beautifully well that she could seriously be a contender on America’s Got Talent or American Idol for children! The entire camp was in awe by how this strong yet beautiful voice could come from such a young adorable camper in girls bunk 1. At the end of the competition, all of our campers voted and Alexa truly earned her 1st place trophy. I hope her parents are reading this blog, as they should be so proud of their daughter.

Here at camp today our 8th and 9th grade boys lacrosse team played at home against another camp and we won! Go Island Lakers! Our 6th & 7th grade boys basketball team played out of camp this afternoon and our 6th & 7th grade girls tennis team played out of camp, as well.

Tonight’s evening activity is GROUPS! Here’s a breakdown of what everyone is doing: Boys Group 1- campfire: Boys Group 2- egg hunt (similar to an Easter egg hunt, yet with a camp-oriented twist): Boys Group 3- lower group (7th graders) will play Gaga; upper group (8th graders) will watch Beaverhead, an original movie about Island Lake. It was written & directed by our campers and staff many years ago and it has become an ILC tradition to finally be old enough to watch it: Boys Group 4- dodgeball: Girls Group 1- pool party: Girls Group 2- egg hunt (with boys group 2): Girls Group 3- lower group (7th graders) will have a campfire; upper group (8th graders) will watch Beaverhead with the boys: Girls Group 4- Minute 2 Win It (just like the tv game show)

Today’s special feature is TENNIS! Enjoy the photos below of some of our tennis all-stars during their majors and minors.

Tonight is LTB, Late To Bed. Our campers will have an extra 30 minutes added onto their curfew since tomorrow is Lazy Day. The camp will sleep in tomorrow morning and have a big brunch at 10:30am. We will have an optional breakfast for those early birds who would like a little something to eat at 8am. Tomorrow, groups 1&2 will go to the movies and groups 3&4 will go bowling for their Lazy Day trips. I’ll give you more details on all of this in tomorrow’s blog. Until then, ILCUTHERE!

Tuesday, July 5th

We hope you all had a great 4th of July! Our holiday was pretty fantastic here at Island Lake. Ending the night with the firework show was an awe-inspiring topper to an amazing, spirited, fun-filled day. Check out yesterday’s daily photos to see how much fun our campers had.

Today was a busy day for many of our Island Lakers. We had our 1st session trip to Cooperstown, NY for campers interested in the Baseball Hall of Fame. We took a busload of children there to learn about the history of baseball, learn about its players, and our campers participated in some interactive games.

We also took some children on a climbing trip to Prompton State Park in Honesdale, PA. At the park they repelled, took a top rope climb, and crawled to the top of a tunnel, all while belaying safely. Our climbing campers had a great time on this trip.

Our athletes participated in lots of sports tournaments yesterday and today, as well. I’ll list both days’ sporting events since I didn’t have the opportunity to post yesterday’s games in the blog due to all that went on for the 4th of July. Today our 8th & 9th grade girls went out of camp to participate in a volleyball tournament. Our 7th grade boys are heading out of camp to participate in a tennis tournament this evening. Yesterday our 8th & 9th grade boys played in a tennis tournament out of camp. Our 8th & 9th grade girls played basketball at another camp along with our 8th & 9th grade boys’ baseball team. Lastly, our 4th & 5th grade girls played in a soccer match out of camp yesterday. Now that camp is in full swing, lots of sporting events are happening on a daily basis.

Our mountain biking department is hosting a new event for all of our Island Lakers called “Triathlon Tuesday.” Groups 3 & 4 had the opportunity to compete against one another during the minor this morning and groups 1 & 2 competed this afternoon. If we have a great turnout then we’ll continue to offer this exciting event on a weekly basis throughout the summer.

A couple of days ago our all-star archers competed in an ILC Shootout. This event took place during the minors and was the boys vs. the girls. They competed to see which team (boys or girls) could earn the highest score by combining each camper’s points with the shots that they made. The boys won the competition overall. Two MVP’s were announced at the completion of the event. The boys’ MVP was Griffin B. and the girls’ MVP was Sophia E.

Tonight’s evening activity is the ILC Idol Finale! A champion will be chosen from the top performers of each group on both, the boys’ side and the girls’ side. We’ll know later tonight who the new 2016 ILC Idol champion will be. After evening activity tonight we have ETB, Early to Bed. I can’t tell you how excited I am for our campers to go in early and get a good night’s sleep tonight (Ok, I won’t lie,…I’m also excited to get a good night’s sleep myself!).

Today’s special feature is THEATER! This session the younger kids are performing “Oklahoma” and the older kids are doing “Zombie Prom.” These photos are from rehearsal, as well as a couple of kids working back stage. Enjoy and until tomorrow, ILCUTHERE!

Monday, the 4th of July

Happy 4th of July! I hope you’re all enjoying your holiday as much as we are here at Island Lake. Our campers have really gotten into the patriotic holiday spirit as they are all decked out in their red, white, and blue clothing and accessories. They look amazing! You’ll have the opportunity to see for yourselves in today’s daily photos, as well as below in this blog.

To add to all the glory that this holiday brings, the weather today was absolutely beautiful! We had mostly sunny skies with temps in the upper 70’s, which is perfect for our cookout for dinner.   Tonight we will be in the upper 60’s to low 70’s for our fireworks extravaganza. We make the 4th of July very special for our campers and staff here at Island Lake. I’ll list for you all that this day entails. Let’s start from the beginning,…

At breakfast this morning we started our 4th of July with Matt’s annual speech about how the U.S. beat the Brits to become our own nation and how now we are all very good friends. Our British staff stood at the front of the dining room to sing their national anthem. The rest of us then sang the Star Spangled Banner followed by the chant, “U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!”

Next highlight- MUSIC LUNCH! I played the part of “DJ Wendy” and I spun tunes in the dining room and the kids had an amazing time singing and dancing to the pop music. Everyone joined in on the fun and didn’t want to leave for their next activity. You can view photos and a video of our music lunch here in this blog. There will be lots of additional Music Lunch pictures in our daily summer photos today, as well.

Next highlight- COOKOUT for dinner tonight! Burgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, watermelon, red, white, and blue cupcakes, and more will be devoured at dinner. Our campers enjoy dining outdoors for our cookouts.

Next highlight- CANTEEN will follow rest hour and then as the sun sets, we’ll put on a short ROCK CONCERT on girls campus for all of our campers and counselors to enjoy. We’ll also send off some SKY LANTERNS into the air, which always makes the camp “Oooooohh” and “Aaaaaaahh”.

Next highlight- our huge FIREWORK extravaganza! We pride ourselves in having a fantastic firework show. Our neighbors on the lake even come outdoors to enjoy watching because it’s so entertaining. Our campers all sit together on the hill to enjoy this traditional Island Lake event. We’re looking forward to another great show.

Today’s feature,…patriotic campers at MUSIC LUNCH! Have a wonderful 4th of July and until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!


Sunday, July 3rd

Today was another beautiful day in Starrucca, PA! I have a surprise for you later in this blog, but first things first, details on today’s intercamp games. We hosted 2 Wayne County tournament games here at ILC this morning. Our 8th & 9th grade boys played in a basketball game and our 4th & 5th grade boys placed in a soccer match. We’re engaging a variety of our athletes of all ages to now play in a variety of sports against nearby camps.

At lunch today we were treated to a special “magic lunch”. Our magic department brings a large illusion trick into the dining room for our up and coming magicians to perform for all of their peers. Let’s just say, today’s trick had something to do with beheading and a guillotine.

Tonight’s evening activity is our big 1st session SOCIAL! An outside DJ comes to camp to spin some tunes in the gym and get our campers up and boogying all night long. Ok, perhaps they don’t call it “boogying”, but ya know what I mean. Our girls love to get dressed up and do their hair and make up for the socials. You should see how cute our little girls look! On the boys side, if we’re lucky they’ll shower, comb their hair, and put on a clean shirt. Our campers are literally going to put on their Sunday best!

And now for my big surprise,…I brought G24, our oldest girls, here into my office so they could blog for you!!! These campers have grown up with us here at Island Lake and some of them have been campers for what is now their 9th summer. They’ve earned their spot in the oldest girls bunk and they take great pride in being this summer’s Girls Bunk 24. With that said, here they are:

8 days, 11 hours, 3 minutes and 32 seconds and we can tell this is already going to be the summer of our lives. Camp is our home. Growing up here over the years have been the most amazing experiences of our lives. We love camp so much and when we are not here, we’re longing to be back at 50 Island Lake Road. Almost every summer we can remember has been spent at camp, we can’t imagine a summer without it. Not a day goes by throughout the year when we are not thinking about camp. Knowing throughout the year that we always have a place to go, where the people are absolutely amazing, where your bunk turns into your brother/sisters not just for the summer but, for a lifetime. Now that I’m in the oldest bunk, I know what it means to be an Island Laker. Camp has taught me to be kind, loyal, supportive, and respectful. The place, the people, the memories and everything in between has changed me forever. Island Lake will always have a piece of our hearts.

“From my first summer on the bus, looking up at all the oldest campers seeing how excited and how in love they had fallen with Island Lake made my curiosity reach to a new level. You wonder how can someone ever be so excited and amazed by coming to a camp. Well I have to admit, I have to admit, I have fallen madly and deeply for Island lake.” –Zoey Korogodsky

“Island Lake is such a wonderful camp and has given me an amazing five years. I am so sad that it’s already close to the end, but I’m so over the top grateful to have gone to Island Lake. Thank you to everyone for giving me a great experience.” –Lacie Foreht

“For the past nine years when someone asks me what my favorite memory is, I say Island Lake” –Alix Goldman

“Camp has taught me so much, especially to not be messy” –Ellie DeGeorges

“At home, every one of my conversations revolve around camp.” –Ryan Bell

“I can’t believe 7 years have gone by and every summer has been better than the last” –Audrey Flammang

“Dear ILC, I love you. Thank you for the best summers of my life” –Issi deCastro

Immediately after typing this blog, the girls had a fun, happy-go-lucky photo shoot out back behind my office. They are seriously the most respectful, sweet, fun, kind, genuine, bubbly, warm-hearted group of girls we’ve had here at Island Lake and I’m proud to have watched them grow up at camp with us.

I hope you enjoyed reading all that our Girls Bunk 24 had to say about their lives and experiences at ILC. Tomorrow, the 4th of July, is going to be SO MUCH FUN here at camp! From music lunch to a dinner cookout to a huge firework display, I may be biased but I have to say, our camp celebrates the 4th of July like no other! You’ll just have to wait to hear all about it. Until then, ILCUTHERE!!!!!

Saturday, July 2nd

Hello Island Lake parents! Can you believe we’re already 1 week into camp? Time sure does fly by when we’re having fun. And fun is indeed what you’re children are having here at ILC so far.

Today was partly sunny but pretty chilly in terms of summer weather. We hit highs only in the upper 60’s to low 70’s but hey, that’s perfect weather for sports. And speaking of which, today we had several intercamp games in and out of camp. Our Island Lakers did very well and even won some of their tournament games against other camps. Here’s a run down of sports that took place today:

  1. Girls 4th & 5th grade basketball out of camp this morning
  2. Girls 8th & 9th grade soccer this morning here at camp
  3. Girls 6th & 7th grade softball out of camp this afternoon
  4. Boys 4th & 5th grade tennis out of camp this afternoon

Tonight’s evening activity is a new one here at Island Lake called “Field Night.” Contrary to what all of our campers may think, tonight is not “Revival Night” (an ILC all time favorite evening activity that we surprise our campers with every session. More details to come regarding Revival at a later date.). Field night is similar to “field day” at your children’s schools. Here’s how it works:

Our campers will start at a variety of stations to participate in events such as the 3-Legged Race, Egg & Spoon Relay, Water Balloon Toss, Water Pitcher/Cup Relay, Unlace & Re-lace a Shoe, and the Hula Hoop Race. Campers will rotate to each station with their bunks to participate in each event.

There will be a 7-minute time limit at each station to complete the events. When the horn sounds, it will be time for our campers to move to their next station. Most activities are timed; therefore the bunk that finishes first, wins. There will be 1 winning bunk per age group. The winners will receive 50 points towards Bunk Cup (To read more details about Bunk Cup, please see my blog on June 26th). Our campers are having an absolute BLAST with Bunk Cup this session so it ties in well with tonight’s Field Night evening activity.

Today’s special feature is ARTS & CRAFTS! Enjoy the photos below. Tomorrow I have a special treat for all of you on my blog. Stay tuned and until then, ILCUTHERE!

Friday, July 1st

Happy July 1st! Today we’re back to our majors and minors after spending an amazing Lazy Day at Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom yesterday. Our campers had such a fantastic day at Dorney, both on rides of all sizes and in the water park. It was the perfect day, weather-wise, for a trip to an amusement/water park. We took the kids in the nice coach buses so it was an easy trip to/from Allentown, PA. Hopefully you’ll receive wonderful feedback from your children in the form of letters, telling you all about this fun-filled day out of camp.

Today we woke up to partly cloudy skies and temps in the upper 60’s. The weather has been a bit odd and quite mixed, ranging from sunny skies to drops of rain here and there, with temps in the low 70’s. All activities took place, as the rain was very brief and next to nothing in accumulation of any kind.

We had our first intercamp game today! Our cute little 5th grade boys went out of camp to play basketball at a nearby Wayne County camp. Go Island Lakers!

Tonight’s evening activity is GROUPS! Here’s a breakdown of what everyone is going to do here at camp: Boys Groups 1 & 2- they will play Capture the Flag together; Boys Group 3- they will play a fun game of Dodgeball (or 2 games or 3 or,…well, you got the idea); Boys Group 4- they are having a Campfire with girls group 4. And on the girls side: Girls Groups 1 & 2- they will play Gaga together in our fab Gaga pit; Girls Group 3- Cupcake War (I’ll explain more in a moment); Girls Group 4- they will have a campfire with boys group 4. Cupcake Wars is pretty basic. The activity consists of every camper receiving their very own cupcake to decorate however they choose. It will be a bunk by bunk competition so the bunk with the best looking cupcakes wins. “What does the winner get” you ask? Why, bragging rights but of course.

Today’s blog feature is a medley of photos from our trip to Dorney Park yesterday. Enjoy the start to your 4th of July holiday weekend and until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!