Island Lake ISlides

Hi Island Lake families! With summer approaching quickly, you’re probably starting your Island Lake shopping for your children. We’re excited to tell you that we recently partnered up with ISlide, a company who creates customized slides (flip flops). Some of you may have seen them on Shark Tank earlier this season. You can go online and order your children customized Island Lake slides with your last name printed on them so you don’t even need to label them for summer.  Here’s a direct link for your convenience:

Please see below to view a sample of the ISlides. They’re offered in black, navy blue, and red in a variety of sizes. They look amazing and seem to be very comfortable so we’re excited for our own pair!  ILCUTHERE!

April Parent News

Hey ILC families! Wow, how did April sneak up on us so quickly? With spring in the air, excitement is building and summer 2017 is right around the corner. As of April 1st, we have only 84 days until camp begins! Woohoo!!! We will be moving our offices up to camp over Memorial Weekend so as of May 30th, all correspondence should go directly to our summer address in Starrucca, PA.

If your child is already enrolled for summer 2017, please be sure to fill out your Profile and Transportation Forms here on our website. Just click the “CampMinder Login” link on our homepage and you will be prompted to enter your email address and password. First time users can click “First Time Users – Create Account” below the login link. If your child is a returning camper, we suggest you use the same password that you used last summer to access our daily photos and send emails to your child. You will then have access to the Profile and Transportation Forms. The Medical Form is not in CampMinder so please be sure to fill out and complete the form that was enclosed with your March newsletter. You can also download our Medical Form here by clicking “Island Lake Families” at the top of this website and then “Forms & Mailings” on the left side of the page. We have many important forms there for you to print out and use as a guide for packing and what not.

Have you registered your child for this upcoming summer? If not and you plan to do so, please, please, please do not put it off any longer. We truly do not want to turn away any of our devoted campers. It only takes a few minutes to fill out the registration form and send it in to our NY office. If you don’t have one handy, click “Island Lake Families” and then “Forms & Mailings” to the left of the page and print the “2017 Enrollment Form”.

As a reminder to all of our summer 2017 families, please be sure to read our monthly newsletters. The newsletters provide lots of information important to your child’s upcoming summer.  Our newsletter link is located right here on our website (“Island Lake Families” and then “ILC News”), and you will also receive your very own hard copy of our newsletter at the start of each month in the mail.

In early May we will be sending you our big spring mailing. This will include a camper handbook, parent handbook, activities handbook, our medication policy, information about emailing your child, viewing photos and videos on the web, and lots of other important camp information. Please be sure to read through this packet, as there will be tons of important info enclosed for you, the parents, as well as your child.

Well, that’s about it for now. Enjoy your navigation through our site checking out all of our fun-filled activities and smiling faces. Island Lake Camp offers a program that furthers your child’s growth, independence, and sense of decision-making while simultaneously giving them the responsibility to create their own exciting summer.

To all current Island Lake families, we look forward to an amazing summer 2017 with your children. To all prospective families, feel free to contact us if you have any questions after browsing our website: 800-869-6083 or 914-769-6060. And last but not least, to all,…ILC U THERE!

March Snow-Madness at Island Lake

Last week, Island Lake was hit hard by winter storm Stella for 2 full days. She left our favorite land of Starrucca with over 30 inches of snow! Don’t worry, it will for sure all melt away soon enough; well before our campers arrive at the end of June. In the meantime, enjoy these wild photos of Island Lake.    ILCUTHERE!

Teen Trip to Cleveland, Ohio

Hey teenagers and Island Lake parents! Are you ready for another exciting 2nd session trip? That’s right, this summer our adventures take us to Cleveland, Ohio & the surrounding areas!

There are only 3 requirements for you to join us on this 4 day/3 night trip: 1. You must be entering 9th grade or higher (CIT’s included). 2. You must be registered for 2nd session. 3. You must be prepared to have tons of fun!

We recently sent out a mailing to all families with campers entering 9th grade and older. That mailing included a trip enrollment form along with other important details.

If you are not currently registered for the 2nd session but would like to go on the trip, parents, please contact us to add the session. Keep in mind that there’s limited space on this teen trip and many families sign their children up as soon as they receive the mailing.

Some highlights of this awesome trip to Cleveland include the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Cedar Point Amusement Park, Cleveland Indians Baseball Game, Dinner Cruise on Lake Erie, Football Hall of Fame, Great Lakes Science Center, and Splash Lagoon Indoor Water Park.

We are looking forward to a fantastic trip to the Cleveland area and we hope you can all join us!

March Parent News

Happy March! Our summer 2017 countdown has kicked into gear and lucky for us, summer, and for that matter camp, will approach before we know it. 115 more days as of March 1st! Wow, we’re almost at the double-digit mark!

Any day now all summer 2017 families should receive a letter regarding forms, a Medical Form, as well as your monthly newsletter. Both a parent and a physician, as required by Pennsylvania law, must complete the Medical Form. On our website we have TONS of information to prepare you and your children for this summer. There are forms online that we request you fill out promptly via your CampMinder account. The Profile Form helps us guide your children when they choose their activities and put together their schedules. The Transportation Form lets us know which bus your children will be taking to camp. If we do not receive the Transportation Form in our office by May 1st, we will have to assign a bus to your children. In June, we will send you detailed information on the bus locations, along with luggage tags that you will use to mark your children’s bags. You can access all of our other forms on our website at and then clicking “Island Lake Families,” and “Forms & Mailings.”

A reminder to our summer ‘16 and ’17 families, don’t forget to read our monthly newsletters. You can access them here on our website or at the start of every month in your mailbox in hard copy form. The newsletters provide important information for parents, as well as campers, including enrollment and availability updates.

Speaking of enrollment, if you haven’t yet registered your child for summer 2017 but plan to do so, please, please, please do not put it off any longer. We truly do not want to turn away any of our devoted campers and it’s very difficult for us when forced to do so every year. Don’t let that happen to your child. Some bunks are already full! It only takes a few minutes to fill out the registration form, we promise! If you don’t have one handy, click “Island Lake Families”, “Forms & Mailings” and then print the “2017 Enrollment Form”.

To all current Island Lake families, we look forward to an amazing summer 2017 with your children. To all prospective families, feel free to contact us if you have any questions after browsing our website: 800-869-6083 or 914-769-6060. And last but not least, to one and all…. ILC U THERE!

Flying Camper Info

Hi Island Lake Families! It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year already. “What time of year” you may be asking? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s time for our flying campers’ parents to start booking their flights to and from Island Lake this summer! The following is all of the info you need whether your child is flying domestically, from South Florida, or internationally.

In order to facilitate a smooth travel day for our campers, we’d like everyone to arrive at and depart from NEWARK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT within the same time frame. We ask that all children arrive and depart from Newark as close to 12 o’clock noon as possible. By keeping flights within these parameters we are able to ensure that our campers are at the airport for a minimal amount of time. Please contact Wendy prior to booking your children’s tickets to confirm flight times: 954-688-9527 or Upon booking your children’s flights, e-mail Wendy a copy of your children’s tickets.

SOUTH FLORIDA FAMILIESFor South Florida families, we ask that you book your children on the same JetBlue flights so our Florida children can travel together. Once you book these flights, please forward a copy of the tickets to Wendy.

TO CAMP: JetBlue #306 Ft. Lauderdale to Newark 9:10am-12:05pm

FROM CAMP: JetBlue #305 Newark to Ft. Lauderdale 3:45pm- 6:47pm

INTERNATIONAL FAMILIES- We understand that children flying from international locations have limited flights to choose from. However, it is extremely important that you choose a flight that arrives at Newark airport as close to 12 o’clock noon as possible. We understand that it is a long day for your children, especially with the time change, so it is to their benefit to arrive at Newark early in the day so they can travel to camp with our other flying campers.

Regarding international return flights, we understand that the only departure times are usually in the evening hours. Please try to book your children to return as early in the evening as possible. We will provide staff and a camp vehicle to take those children with later flights to the airport separately from campers flying domestic earlier in the day.

FOR ALL FLYING CAMPERS- When booking flights, you will need to schedule “unaccompanied minor” arrangements for children under the age specific to each airline. An Island Lake staff member will escort children who fly as unaccompanied minors from their gate upon arrival and to their departure gate for their return trip. We will provide a staff member’s name and identification information for you to share with the airlines in June.   If your children are older and there are no unaccompanied minors on your children’s flight, our staff will meet those campers at the security checkpoint upon their arrival.


SESSION 1: Saturday, June 24- Saturday, July 22

SESSION 2: Saturday, July 22- Saturday, August 12

As a reminder, please contact Wendy to discuss your children’s arrival and departure flight times prior issuing your children’s tickets: After booking your children’s flights, e-mail Wendy a copy of the ticket. Additional traveling day information will be sent to you in June, prior to the start of camp. If you have any questions with regards to your children’s travel to/from camp, please contact Wendy and she will be happy to help you further. We look forward to making your children’s travel days as smooth as possible.

February Parent News

Happy February, Island Lake Families! As we sit here in our winter office looking at the snow outside of our windows, it feels as though summer 2016 was all a distant dream. However, our summer 2017 countdown has already kicked into gear and lucky for us, camp will sneak up on us before we know it. 143 days to go as of February 1st!

We are busy preparing for our big trip that we are offering to all of our oldest campers this upcoming summer. We’re excited for our annual 4 day/3 night TEEN TRIP in our 2nd session to Cleveland, Ohio! This amazing trip will be offered to all campers entering 9th grade and higher. Check out more details about this fun-filled experience in the mailing we recently sent out to all who qualify to go. There is an enrollment form for you to fill out and return to us at our winter office. We additionally have info regarding this trip in our monthly newsletters. We’ll visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Football Hall of Fame, and the most exciting part of this trip, Cedar Point Amusement Park! Cedar Point happens to be one of the largest amusement parks in the world! So,…much,…FUN!!!

A reminder to our summer ‘16 and ’17 families; don’t forget to read our monthly newsletters. You can access them here on our website as well as in your postal mailbox at the start of every month. Our newsletters provide important information for parents as well as campers, including enrollment and availability updates.

Speaking of enrollment, if you have not yet registered your child for summer 2017 but plan to do so, please, please, please do not put it off any longer. Some bunks are now completely full. We truly do not want to turn away loyal campers so let’s avoid that from happening. You can register your child with the registration form mailed to you with your newsletter or you can download the form here on our website under “Island Lake Families” and then “Forms & Mailings”. It only takes a few minutes to fill out the registration form, we promise!

To all current Island Lake families, we look forward to an amazing summer 2017 with your children. To all prospective families, feel free to contact us if you have any questions after browsing our website: 800-869-6083 or 914-769-6060. And last but not least, to one and all,…ILC U THERE!

Island Lake’s Clothing Outfitter

At Island Lake, we have a no uniform policy.  We will give every camper an Island Lake t-shirt when they arrive at camp so they can wear it as they wish, as well as on out of camp trips and inter-camp sports games.  Many campers like to purchase and wear additional Island Lake clothing such as sweatshirts, shorts, and athletic clothing.  We work with Bunkline clothing outfitter to provide you with all of your ILC gear.  They also provide other necessities for camp such as bedding, bathroom needs, duffel bags, and many other accessories.  We recommend that you check out their website to see all that they offer:

Bunkline Clothing Outfitter

Below is a schedule for Bunkline’s road show this year.  If you’d like to take your children to visit them, try items on, and see all that they offer, check out their schedule to see when they’ll be in your area.  Happy shopping!

New Label Company

Hi Island Lake Families!  We recently started working with a new camp label company called Label Daddy.  Come spring, when you order you should be able to add the Island Lake logo to your child’s labels if you so choose.  Enjoy


Lessons from Camp Article

Hi Island Lake families!  The following is a link to a wonderful article that reminds you of all that your children can learn during their stay at sleep away camp.  While Island Lake emphasizes having fun and forming wonderful bonds with peers, there’s a great deal that children can also learn while experiencing summer camp.  Enjoy the article!  Lessons From Camp