Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday, June 30th

Today was our first day of majors and minors.  We woke up to rain but fortunately it stopped, the sun broke through the clouds, and activities resumed this morning as if not a speck of rain hit the ground.  We could not ask for a better start of summer thus far.  Our campers are now fully engaged in our major/minor schedule.

The talk around camp,…our first lazy day trip to Dorney Park.  Everyone is going to this action-packed amusement park on Thursday.  Each bunk will stay together so it’ll not only be fun but it’ll be a safe trip too.

Today’s feature,…tchoukball up at the climbing wall/ropes course.



Tonight’s evening activity is “groups” with their group leaders once again.  Each group will have a separate evening activity to bond, not only with their bunk but with the other bunks in their group.  The kids are then off to canteen followed by curfews, staggered every 15 minutes with the youngest in their bunks by 9:30pm and the oldest in their bunks by 10:30pm (CIT’s at 11pm).

Enjoy the rest of your day and until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

June 29th

AMAZING first day of camp so far!  So many happy campers and fantastic spirit filling the air here at ILC!  We had our 4-minor day and campers auditioned for shows, got tested for levels, took their deep water test, and tried activities they’d like to major in.

After lunch we handed out our 5-year and 10-year jackets.  Boy are there a lot of campers and staff who have been here at Island Lake for many summers now!  Pictures can later be viewed on our daily summer photos.

We just had one of our best games ever of PANIC. Kids ran into their bunks to find items announced over the PA system and then ran those items out to their group leaders in the middle of the campuses.  Music played, children and counselors danced, and fun was had by all.

Campers are currently signing up for their majors with their group leaders and our department heads.  Tonight’s evening activity is groups (group leaders running a game/event with their specific group).

Let’s see if at dinner tonight in the dining room the boys once again start chanting “BOYS ARE BETTER!”, only to be countered by girls standing on their seats screaming back “GIRLS ARE BETTER!”  Gotta love the camp spirit here at Island Lake!

Camp Has Begun!

Quick message to let everyone know that all of our campers have arrived safely and Island Lake Summer 2014 has kicked into high gear.  Kids are unpacking, making their own mess, uh I mean sundae at the canteen, and friendships are already blossoming and growing.  We anticipate that this will be another amazing summer here at Island Lake.

We will blog again tomorrow and fill you in on the fun.  Have a nice and “quiet” night!  ILC U THERE!

Camp Is Almost Here!

Summer is finally here!  Well, almost that is,…camp begins tomorrow and we cannot contain our EXCITEMENT for this upcoming season at Island Lake!  We’re pumped for buses filled with campers to arrive tomorrow afternoon and fill ILC with joy, happiness, and love all around.  Summer is finally upon us and we anticipate that this will be the GREATEST ONE YET!

Remember, we will be blogging here on our website, tweeting, and posting videos on our Facebook page daily.  We will also post hundreds of photos each day and a 5 minute video each week on CampMinder.  We will do our best to make our Island Lake camp families feel as if they are a part of the fun here at camp.

Hurry up and finish that last minute packing, get a good night’s sleep, and until tomorrow,….ILC U THERE!!!


More Staff Photos

We’ve got Pioneering, Tennis, & Sports (& Gymnastics) departments here.  More to come tomorrow,…I-L-C U THERE!

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Staff Orientation Photos

Staff orientation is going well and everyone is busy preparing for our campers’ arrival in 6 more days.  Yay!  Below are a bunch of photos of our staff in different departments.  We’ll post more departments later on,…enjoy!

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Staff Orientation Started

1 week from today until our happy campers board the buses and travel up here to Island Lake!  We are all soooo EXCITED for our campers to get here!  Our staff have all arrived and staff orientation is now in full swing.  We have lots of your favorite returning counselors here and many new ones who we know you will ove.  They are all as pumped up as we are for a fantastic summer.

We’ll let you get back to your camp packing now.  Looking forward to a FANTASTIC ILC SUMMER 2014!

Open House Photos

Our annual Open House for all new campers this past Saturday was a HUGE SUCCESS!  It was great to meet so many campers and their families.  We hope they’re that much more excited for camp in less than 2 weeks.  Below are some photos from our day at Island Lake.  Enjoy!

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Pre-Camp Staff

Pre-camp is now in full swing so we figured we’d show you our staff hard at work.  Only 18 more days to go until Opening Day here at Island Lake!  We can’t wait to see all of our campers then!

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We’ve Arrived at Camp!

We’re here!  We’re happy to tell you that we’re finally back home at Island Lake and it feels wonderful to be back.  All of our pre-campers staff are returnees and they’re pumped up for a fantastic summer 2014.  The only thing missing,…our campers!

We know all of our parents are probably very busy preparing their kids for ILC so just a bunch of reminders.  For those of you with outstanding balances or forms not yet returned, please send everything directly to the camp address (Island Lake Camp, 50 Island Lake Road, Starrucca, PA  18462).

The office is now open Monday through Saturday from 8:30am-5:00pm with a lunch -break from 12:00-12:45pm.  Once camp begins the office will be open daily from 9am-9pm.

If you did not mail us your children’s Transportation Form then we will have to assign them to whichever bus we think you live closest to (and this gets tricky for our NYC families).  Please make it simpler for us by sending it back to us ASAP.  At this point you can fill it out online via CampMinder, fax the form to 570-798-2346, or scan and email it to

All Medical Forms must be filled out completely by parents and physicians and then mailed to us here at camp, if you haven’t already done so.  We must have an updated Medical Form for every child in order for them to board the bus on Opening Day.

Profile Forms are helpful to our staff if there’s anything specific you’d like us to know about your child ahead of time.  If there are specific activities you’d like us to encourage then it’s mandatory that you return this form to us ASAP so we have this info once our staff arrives.  Handing us Profile Forms and Transportation Forms at the bus stop (And yes, believe it or not people do hand over transportation forms at the bus!) does not help us prepare ahead of time.  The deadline was May 1st so if you haven’t yet sent them in please do so immediately.

As always, if you have any questions about packing or anything else related to camp, feel free to call us here at camp at 570-798-2550 Monday through Saturday from 9-5.  As of today, only 26 more days until camp begins!  ILC U HERE!!!