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Sunday, June 28th

Happy first full day of camp! Yesterday’s Opening Day went extremely well with lots of happy campers coming off of the buses. New friendships have already formed and old friendships are resuming. Campers are bonding with one another and their counselors as they settle into Summer 2015 here at Island Lake.   Be sure to check out our daily summer photos through CampMinder along with our daily short videos on our Facebook page (starting tomorrow) to check out more that’s going on here at ILC.

It may be cool and rainy here at camp but our children & staff have prevailed! Today was 4-minor day and the kids were busy trying out activities to see what they’d like to sign up for as their majors for the remainder of the session.   Deep water tests have been put on hold and will hopefully resume if weather improves tomorrow. Sports still took place in the gym, pioneering under cover, tennis in the hockey rink, and all else resumed as normal.

After lunch today we gave out over 50 5-year jackets, as well as 10-year and 15-year jackets. Below, at the end of this post, are some photos of our campers sporting their new ILC-wear. I have a feeling they’ll be wearing their jackets quite a bit over the course of the next week (but hopefully not too much as we send out positive weather vibes!).

After their 4 minors, we split the camp in half and had a fun extravaganza of Crazy Games up in the gym and hockey rink. The kids participated and cheered their groups on as they ran around having fun-filled fantabulous time.

Tonight’s evening activity is groups, which means the group leaders take charge and run different activities for their bunks. This session we will once again start up Bunk Cup so tonight the bunks will either work on their bunk flags or their bunk videos. For those of you not familiar with Bunk Cup, it’s an event that runs throughout the session where each bunk is its own team. They can earn points in just about every activity here at camp. At the end of the session we tally up the points and have a winner on the boys side and a winner on the girls side. This is our 2nd annual Bunk Cup and the kids are so excited for it.

Well, that’s about it for now. Please return to this blog each day, as I (Wendy) will be posting ongoing events happening here at Island Lake on a daily basis. Until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!


Camp Begins Today!!!

Today is the day!  Today is the day!  We’re soooo EXCITED to see your children in a few more hours.  Look how pumped up our staff are,….


1 More Day Until Camp Begins!

Hey Island Lake families!  We’re all so excited for our campers’ arrival here at camp tomorrow.  We just want to remind you that all buses leave from their designated bus stops at 1pm sharp.  Arrive no later than 12:30pm (& give yourself extra time if you’re going to Queens).  ILC is a cell phone free so please collect your children’s phones before they board the bus.

If you have any last minute questions for us, feel free to call us here at the camp office before 5pm today or after 8:30am tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow we will start keeping the office open until 9pm every night.

A social media reminder:  As of tomorrow we will start blogging here daily, tweeting day, posting pictures on CampMinder daily, posting videos weekly, and short videos on our Facebook page daily.  Lots for parents to stay in touch and see how much fun your children are having here at summer camp!

Enjoy your final evening with your children.  We CANNOT WAIT for them to get here to their home away from home tomorrow!  ILC U THERE!

Staff Orientation in Full Swing

Hey Island Lakers!  Can you believe that camp begins in only 6 days?  Let the countdown begin!  Once Saturday arrives, Island Lake will be filled with smiles, hugs, screams of excitement, and love as your children step off of the bus into their home away from home.  We cannot wait to see our returning campers and meet those who are new to the Island Lake family.

Staff orientation is in full swing now and our counselors are soooo excited for the campers to arrive. Below are some photos of our staff in their departments.  Not all activities are represented here because we have just too many great staff and activities to post them all.  For now, enjoy the highlights.  For our campers, in 6 days ILC U THERE!!!

  • Skatepark

An Amazing Open House

This past Saturday we hosted an Open House for our new summer 2015 Island Lakers and it was a fantastic day!  Thank you to all who made the drive up here to meet other campers, staff, and see the grounds.  We hope your children are even more excited for an amazing summer at ILC.  Below are some highlights from the afternoon events.  Remember, only 12 days until camp begins!  ILC U THERE!



More Pre-Camp Pics

Hey Island Lakers (& parents)!  With 17 more days until camp begins, camp is looking FANTASTIC!  Our pre-camp staff is working really hard to make our summer home perfect for your arrival.  We are very excited to meet lots of our new campers at our Open House this Saturday.  New ILC parents, look for an email from us in the next couple of days with a weather update to make sure you and your children are dressed appropriately for our country climate.

Tomorrow our circus staff arrive, Friday our waterfront staff arrive, and more and more will be making their way to Starrucca PA over the course of the next week and a half.  We can’t wait to see our campers in 2 1/2 weeks!  ILC U THERE!!!




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Pre-Camp 2015

Hey Island Lakers!  With 3 weeks (plus 1 day) until camp begins, many of us are up here in Starrucca, PA making your home away from home look beautiful for your arrival real soon.  It’s way too quiet though.  We need our campers to fill 18462 with lots of laughter and cheer so hurry up and get here already.  In the meantime, check out some of your favorite Island Lake staff hard at work.  ILC U in 22 days!

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30 Things We’re Excited for This Summer

Summer is almost here and we are already back at our favorite place, Island Lake Camp! Not only is Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 2.46.35 PMSummer 2015 going to be amazing, it’s extra special because of our 30 year anniversary. To celebrate we picked just 30 things, out of hundreds, we are excited for this summer at ILC. Check them out and tell us what you’re most excited for!

  1. Opening Day!
  2. Slumber parties with your camp friends every night
  3. Make your own sundae on the 1st night of camp
  4. 5-year jackets (& 10-year ones too!)
  5. Lazy Day – A chance to go out of camp and relax with your camp friends!
  6. Dorney Park
  7. Color War! – Get ready 2nd session
  8. Matt’s wake-up call- “Everybody up, everybody up, up, up, up!”
  9. Field Trips – National Baseball Hall of Fame, canoe trips down the Delaware River, Coal Mine, Science Observatory, Houdini Museum
  10. Circus Show – We had dreams of joining the circus as kids. Now we get to go each summer!
  11. First annual teen tour to the west coast
  12. Being in Starrucca, PA – It’s always a beautiful day in Starrucca, PA
  13. Our 30 Year Reunion! At the end of the summer we’re celebrating 30 years of ILC with our alumni. We can’t wait relive our favorite camp memories
  14. Canteen tokens and of course, canteen!
  15. Teen Trip to Boston and Martha’s Vineyard with our 3rd session
  16. 2 words- Revival & Night!
  17. Cookouts
  18. Intercamps- We love to play sports against our neighboring Wayne County Camps!
  19. Open House for our new campers on June 13th
  20. Waterfront Fun!
  21. Rookie Days – July 11th and July 18th
  22. Socials- Dance the night away with your ILC friends.
  23. Music Lunches
  24. 4th of July fireworks
  25. Friendship bracelets
  26. Color Run on the last day of camp
  27. Theater performances & dance shows & rock performances & magic shows
  28. Banquet night & all of the extravaganzas
  29. Screaming as we fly on the giant swing
  30. Spending the summer with our amazing friends in our favorite place on earth!




Preparing for Summer!

Summer 2015 is right around the corner! According to our Island Lake website and app, only 39 more days until camp begins! Excitement builds as the thrill of summer approaches! We move our offices up to camp the last weekend of May. As of June 1st, all correspondence should go directly to our summer address in Starrucca, PA.

By now, all families enrolled in summer 2015 at Island Lake should have received our spring mailing. Enclosed were our camper, parent, and activities handbooks, our medication policy, an Open House flyer, and a few other forms. If your child is new to ILC this summer, please return the bottom portion of the Open House flyer if you will be joining us at camp on Saturday, June 13th at 11am. We’re very excited to meet many of our new Island Lakers and their families that day.

With summer right around the corner, many of you have probably started your camp shopping and hey, if you’re really organized, perhaps you’ve even begun the packing process! Be sure to refer to your Packing List and Suggested Equipment List that were enclosed in your winter folder to assist you with this big ol’ fun task. If you’ve misplaced these forms, you can retrieve them here on our website under “Island Lake Families” and then “forms and mailings”. Don’t forget to label all items of clothing and equipment, too.

Parents, we highly recommend that you read all literature that we send to you since a majority of the answers to your questions can be found there. Our winter folder, spring mailing, and monthly newsletters provide a great deal of important information that will help prepare you and your children for a fantastic summer 2015. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us at our winter office until May 29th and our summer office after June 1st.

Looking forward to the most amazing, fantastic, spectacular, wonderful, awesome, unbelievable, exciting, memorable summer ever at Island Lake! ILC U THERE!!!

Packing For Camp

With summer right around the corner, many parents have starting their camp shopping and packing.  We know this can be an overwhelming process, especially for the new Island Lake parent.  Please be sure to use our packing list and equipment list as guidelines to help you pack up your children’s duffels for this summer.  You should have copies of these forms in your winter folders and here are links to the forms on our website.  Happy packing and as always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.  ILC U in a month and a half!