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Tuesday, July 28th

Today is the 3rd and final day of Color War. It’s been a fierce but friendly 3 days of competition between the Heroes and the Villains. Last night’s Rope Burn was close up until the very end. The staff built strong fires and it was neck in neck until the grey Villains rope burned a few minutes sooner than the blue Heroes. With Rope Burn points and daily decorum points calculated, this morning at breakfast the Heroes were still in the lead. However, the lead was only by 11 points so it’s still either team’s game to win.

This morning we had team meetings and then went into the last day of sports. Here’s a list of the sports the kids played in different groups: dodgeball, tchoukball, gaga, soccer, basketball, softball, touch football, water basketball, and SCB (snatch club basketball which is a combo of soccer, kickball, basketball, and steal the bacon). The overall winner of the sports this morning was the blue Heroes, and by just a hair. As of lunch the blue team was ahead by only 23 points. Is this a close Color War or what?

After lunch we had team meetings and then our big Apache Relay. The apache takes several hours and involves a few hundred campers on each team. They run all over camp and tag in each department to do multiple events before tagging to then run to a different department to perform more events. The apache is a big camp tradition and involves lots of fun tasks such as eating saltine crackers and whistling Yankee Doodle Dandy, running around the baseball field bases backwards, singing the camp alma mater over the PA system, etc. Our staff has some difficult tasks too, such as doing 100 push-ups or hitting a baseball over the fence on the ballfield. The apache finally ends with everyone on the gym bleachers watching a camper from each team make a half court basketball shot. Jackson Stone broke the Island Lake record today when he made the half court shot in his first try. He beat his own record from last summer when he made it in 2 shots. Go Jackson!

In the end, the Villains beat the Heroes by about 5-10 minutes in the apache. The Villains made an overall comeback and they are currently in the lead by 77 points. Today’s special feature is the APACHE RELAY! To see more photos from today just check out our daily summer photos via CampMinder

Color War closes tonight with our annual Sing. Each team is judged for their creative entrance into the theater. They then take turns performing a March/Fight song, a Comedy song, a Skit, an Alma Mater song, and then they present their team’s Plaque. The entire night is bittersweet and somber as Color War comes to an end. Everyone hugs, some cry, and while the final scores are tallied we play the camp Alma Mater so everyone can come together and sing.

And finally, once the scores are all tallied up, Trip, who is in charge of Color War, stands on the theater stage and announces the winner of the Sing and of Color War overall. The winning team will jump up and scream and go crazy with excitement. The other team will be sad for a moment but they’ll quickly get over it by the time they head to canteen (Lol!). Since this blog is being posted prior to Sing, tomorrow I will post the winner for all of you. Until then, ILC U THERE!

Monday, July 27th

Happy 2nd day of Color War! Last night’s Five Period Basketball tournament was exciting for everyone who played and watched. The night started out with each team’s entrances into the gym. All groups (and counselors) had an opportunity to have players compete for a period of hoops. The final score was 30 to 20 in favor of the grey Villains.

At the end of each day, decorum points are handed out to the teams for cheering, dressing up, banners, sportsmanship, etc. With the decorum points tallied up with all of yesterday’s friendly competitions, as of this morning the leading team with 55 more points was the blue Heroes.

This morning we had the Track & Field competition and Tug O’ War on the upper ball fields. The Track & Field events were for a variety of groups in each of the following categories: softball toss, sprint, baton relay, medley relay (run, bear crawl, crab walk, back pedal, & cartwheel), long jump, progressive relay, off-road run, and punt, pass, & kick. Each group then competed against one another in a big Tug O’ War. The winner of the Track Meet was the blue Heroes and the winner of Tug O’ War was also the blue heroes.

Another activity that runs throughout Color war is the “Find the Hatchet” event. The hatchet is hidden somewhere in camp and campers (who must be accompanied by a counselor) search camp high and low throughout looking for it. Clues are given out one per day and are quite difficult to solve. Once the hatchet is found then the clues make sense. This morning the Heroes found the hatchet. So I guess you know who is in the lead at lunch today!

After lunch we had rest hour and then team meetings. After the meetings was snack break and then Battle of the Bands. This battle was an enjoyable event to watch. Our campers (& staff) played a variety of instruments and each group had a separate battle against one another. Following Battle of the Band was today’s Sports.

Tonight’s evening activity is Rope Burn. The entire camp will head to the rope burn pitch down by the waterski lake. Our campers will cheer our staff on as they build fires under highly hung ropes in attempt to see who can burn the rope in half first. Tomorrow I will reveal the winner of Rope Burn as well as the winner thus far in Color War. Until then, we’ll keep the Color War spirit alive and of course, ILC U THERE!

Sunday, July 26th

With Visiting Day behind us, Island Lake is all about Color War for these next 3 days. Heroes vs. Villains has proven to be a great theme thus far with both teams making fantastic use of their team names. Campers and staff are all about Color War right now and the energy is running high.

This morning we had team meetings and then sports for all of the age groups. With lots of energy and excitement for Color War the kids played the following: steal the bacon, dodgeball, gaga, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, softball, touch football, water basketball, hockey, volleyball, and chopped (cooking). The winner of the sports was the grey Villains (by 2 points!).

This sunny afternoon we hosted the Swim Meet down by the swimming pool and the lake. A variety of groups participated in the following on the lake: canoe relay, kayak relay, standup paddle board, peddle boat relay, log rolling, freestyle relay, medley relay, kickboard relay, freestyle relay, sweat suit relay, greased watermelon, & swim to the island and back.

Here’s a list of activities that took place in the swimming pool: penny fetch, water basketball, medley relay, kickboard relay, paddleboard relay, & freestyle relay.

After the swim meet ended we had a snack break at the bunks and then team meetings. After the meetings and before dinner we then had the game Unique. It’s a trivia game in the theater and it’s done group by group The kids come up to the stage and stand before podiums with lights. When a camper knows the answer to a trivia question, whether it be related to the CW teams or camp, they flip a light switch and then answer.

Because of the risk of rain this evening, we’re holding off on Rope Burn until tomorrow night. In its place we’ll have a Five period Basketball tournament which will be played in the gym, group by group. Before basketball, the team in the lead by 123 points,….the blue Heroes!

Below are some photos from the Swim Meet earlier today. For more Color War photos, please view our daily summer photos through CampMinder. Until more Color War scoop tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

Saturday, July 25th- Visiting Day

We hope you all had a WONDERFUL Visiting Day today here at ILC! Lots of parents, grandparents, siblings, and more were here to spend the day with their campers. It was a fantastic experience for everyone who joined us today.

Our annual post-Visiting Day water fight was a huge success. It was especially great because guess what happened? Yup, you guessed it! WE BROKE COLOR WAR!!!!! After the 3rd gun shot the kids all screamed, dropped their waterguns, and ran to the gym to catch flyers with the team names and list of who is on each team. Ready for this year’s teams? It’s HEROES VS. VILLAINS! This is going to be an awesome 3 days ahead of us. More info to come tomorrow once Color War officially begins.

Tonight’s evening activity is Squeaky Clean! They’re a rock and roll band who performs here at camp every summer on the night of Visiting Day. Squeaky Clean covers classic rock and roll oldies but goodies such as “Stop In the Name of Love”. We’re excited to sing and dance along with them tonight in the gym. Canteen will be closed after evening activity since there is soooooo much junk food in the bunks right now, but curfews are regular time.

We hope you all had a fantastic time here at ILC today. Until tomorrow when there will be lots of Color War scoop, ILC U THERE!

Friday, July 24th

Happy almost Visiting Day! Holy cow, how did this time of the summer sneak up on us so fast? We’ve been preparing for this very special day for a long time now and we anticipate that it will be a fantastic day for all. Please peruse yesterday’s blog for more details about tomorrow’s festivities.

Today it was absolutely gorgeous out with temps in the low 70’s and lots of sunshine. Our 9th grade girls tennis team played here at home against another Wayne County camp this morning. We won every single match (most of which were a wash by our kids). Go ILC girls tennis! Yesterday our 10th & 11th grade girls volleyball team played in a 1 day tournament at another camp. Out of 10 camps we came in 3rd place. Way to go girls volleyball!

Lunch today was everyone’s favorite MUSIC LUNCH! The kids had so much fun singing and dancing around the dining room to pop tunes and Island Lake favorites. Music lunch is our special feature for today so you can see some photo highlights below.

Tonight’s evening activity is the amazing, fantastic, superb hypnotist, Brad Henderson! Our campers and staff will witness Brad hypnotize about 20 of our counselors on the theater stage. This is another one of our campers’ favorite evening activities. They get to watch their counselors embarrass themselves while doing hysterically funny things in front of the camp.

Until tomorrow, when we’ll see all of your smiling faces bright and early for our annual Island Lake Visiting Day, ILC U THERE!

Thursday, July 23rd

Today was Lazy Day so our kids all went out of camp after our big mid-morning brunch. It was absolutely beautiful out and the perfect day for our 7th grade and up to head to Nathaniel Cole Park where they had a beach for the kids to relax. We hosted our own barbeque cookout for dinner before they headed back to camp.  Our 6th grade and younger campers went to the bowling alley in Binghamton. We had a cookout for dinner for them here at camp.

Saturday is approaching fast and with that comes our one and only annual Island Lake Visiting Day! (Cheers in the background,…woohoo,…yay!) We know you’re excited to come up to camp to live out your youth and we’re excited to have you join us and see your children. We’ll have lots of activities and exhibits going on all day, as well as a huge lunch buffet. If you prefer, you can take your children out of camp for the day.

I’m sure you plan to bring lots of food and junk to shower your children with affection, so please keep in mind that we discard all of the food 2 days later. Do not bring so much that your children have to throw away lots of great homemade brownies, cookies, bagged chips, chocolate, grandma’s secret recipes, etc. We truly hate to waste food, so don’t shlep too much up here.

Please refrain from bringing bottled water and drinks, too. We have well water here at camp that is just as good, or even better than, bottled water. Bottled drinks will also be discarded so save yourself the muscular strength of carrying these heavy items into camp.

Visiting Day hours are from 9:30-3:30. If you leave camp for the day, please bring your children back on time for our other annual big, huge, extravagant Water Fight! Parents are fair game if they’re still here for the water fight so just remember, quick and speedy goodbyes are easier on your children. We expect that some campers will be in tears so our staff will be around to help them through what’s usually just a short moment of sadness. The water fight is a great distraction to get children through their difficult goodbyes. Please just work with us and know your children are in great hands here at camp.

Today’s special feature is the COOKOUT for our 6th grade and younger campers. Evening activity for tonight is GROUPS. Have a great night and until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

Wednesday, July 22nd

Happy Wednesday everyone! Can you believe that Visiting Day is only 3 days away? Where did the summer go? It’s flying by way too fast. Guess that’s what happens when you’re having fun.

Speaking of fun, last night’s evening activity was amazing! We started the night in the circus building with Mo & Tal, our circus directors, putting on a show for the entire camp. About 10 minutes in, the music changed to Revival Night music, the henchmen ran into the circus building, and all of the campers screamed and immediately made a run for the waterfront. As always, Revival Night was a huge success and our campers enjoyed watching their friends repent for all of their previous sins. J

Last night was ETB, Early to Bed. We had our staff meeting during rest hour while our campers were SUPPOSED to be writing letters home to all of you moms and dads. No promises of course since you’ll be here in 3 days, but we hope they all wrote home to you. Tonight is LTB, Late to Bed, since tomorrow is our Lazy Day. I’ll fill you in on the Lazy Day activities tomorrow since we have a surprise in store for one of our age groups.

Today was our 2nd session tubing trip down the Delaware River. It was the perfect weather for a lazy river stroll with temperatures in the low 70’s and the sun shining strong. Our 8th through 11th grade mixed doubles tennis kids went to another camp for a big tournament today.

We had a special event at lunch today called Magic Lunch. Some of our magician campers performed a cool stage magic trick for everyone in the dining room at the end of the meal. I still can’t figure out how they did it,…it must be magic!

Today was the last full day of our teen tour out west. We’re excited for them to return to camp and share their amazing experiences with us. For their final day they visited Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ. Afterwards they enjoyed some retail therapy at the Scottsdale Fashion Square. Tonight they’re going to race their hearts out at K1 Speed in Phoenix, AZ. It’s an indoor go kart race track where the kids will do Grand Prix style racing with a podium ceremony and podium photos and awards at the end. They’ll spend their final night in a hotel in Tempe and then tomorrow they’ll fly out of Phoenix Airport to come back east.

Tonight’s evening activity is groups! Here’s a breakdown of what everyone is doing. GIRLS: Group 1- campfire, Group 2- mini carnival, Group 3- egg drop, Group 4- Mr. & Miss ILC with Boys Group 4. BOYS: Group 1- pool party, Group 2- campfire (separate fire pit from the girls), Group 3- kong pong, Group 4- Mr. & Miss ILC with the girls.

Today’s special feature is MAGIC LUNCH & MOUNTAIN BIKING! 3 more days until we see all of your smiling faces here at camp! Until then, ILC U THERE!

Tuesday, July 21st

Hi Island Lake families! Yesterday’s Country Western theme day was a chock full of fun. The group leaders pretended there was a bandit named “Los Pantalones” and he was running around camp taking things from our staff. The staff had been announcing missing items at dining room announcements for a couple of days in preparation for this. They had wanted signs posted all over camp so the kids were seriously trying to find this masked bandit. Good thing they never did, otherwise we’d owe them 100 canteen tokens and LTB for a week!

Last night’s Hoedown was a fun-filled evening activity for our campers. Boy did they line dance, especially to the Cotton-Eyed Joe! The kids ate chili, searched for lollypops in the hay, got hitched at our marriage booth, played on a real tractor (it was parked, don’t worry), and counselors participated in a pie eating contest. Our Country Western Day was a hit!

Today was Tournament Tuesday and the Book of Records. Tournaments took place not only in Sports but also in Science and Cooking as it’s spreading all around camp. In sports we had some 3 on 3 basketball games, World Cup games, archery tournaments, fencing tournaments, martial arts challenges, mountain biking time trials, home run derby, kong pong, LAX skills challenge, hockey skills challenge, and even Quiditch!

In Cooking they had a “mystery box challenge”. In this competition our department head, Sanne, gave the kids 5 ingredients. Our campers had to work together in teams to incorporate these ingredients into one dish. They had 45 minutes to cook, clean, and prepare their dish for guest judges to taste and decide upon a winner.  I have to tell you, I was a guest judge in 1st session and man oh man those kids can cook! In Science there was a chess tournament for Tournament Tuesday.

For the book of records kids competed in push ups, saying the ABC’s backwards, swimming times, singing the longest note, basketball spin, the loop run, fastest at tying shoes, verticle jump, soccer juggle, racket bounce, farthest throw, and more.

Today we hosted our annual Wayne County Volleyball Tournament for boys 11th grade and under. About 6 other camps came to ILC to play one another in v-ball all morning into the afternoon.

In out of camp trips today, our Pioneering kids had their 2nd session climbing trip to Prompton Park. The kids had the opportunity to hike, climb 30-40 foot boulders, and enjoy the great outdoors.

Our teen tour out west is drawing to an end in a couple of days. The feedback we’ve received so far is more than enthusiastic. The kids are having the greatest time of their lives. I didn’t think that was possible after spending time here at ILC but hey, camp friends together,…nothing better than that! Today the kids went on a Pink Jeep Tour. It was a scenic off-road adventure in red rock country. Great pics to come on our CampMinder photos. After the tour they went out to Jerome, the largest ghost town in America. Set on the side of Mingus Mountain, this mining town is propped on a 30 degree mountainside 2000 feet above the Verde Valley. There they also checked out the cute shops and took more great photos.

Today’s special feature is TOURNAMENT TUESDAY! Tonight’s evening activity is everybody’s favorite,….can you guess? Yup, that’s right,…Mo & Tal’s Circus Show! Ok, we’re going to start out the evening with our favorite circus directors who will be putting on a show for the camp.  About 5 minutes in, what’s going to happen?  You guessed it, Revival Night will surprisingly break out!  The kids have absolutely no idea either, which is going to be the icing on the cake.  More info to come tomorrow.  Until then, ILC U THERE!

Monday, July 20th

Yee-haw! Hey ya’ll! Happy Country Western Day here at Island Lake! Many campers and staff dressed up all day in anticipation of tonight’s Hoedown. Arts & Crafts and Cooking offered minors dedicated to it. Tonight’s big Hoedown is going to be a blast! Our Texas counselors will teach kids how to line dance, there will be a pie-eating contest, kids can search for lollipops in a haystack, we’re serving chili, and even having a marriage booth. Fun for everyone involved!

At lunch today we had a County Western costume contest. The winning bunk on the girls side was G12 and the winning bunk on the boys side was B22. The camper who won for overall best dressed was Ariella B. The winning bunks get LTB tonight. Below you will see pictures of these winners as well as lots of other campers and staff all dressed up.

Today in sports our 6th & 7th grade boys tennis teams had a tournament outside of camp. We also hosted a 5th grade boys baseball game here at camp this afternoon.

Our CITs had a fantastic day yesterday at the Grand Canyon. I’m going to post an extra set of photos so you can see the beautiful scenery they experienced. Today they departed for Sedona, Arizona where they will have a nice relaxing day after their long hike in the canyon yesterday. They will enjoy the hotel pool and then have dinner in Sedona.

Speaking of out of camp trips, just a reminder to parents of kids entering 9th grade and older. We added a 2nd bus for our Boston trip in the 3rd session. Now we have available slots for additional campers. If you have not yet signed your child up for the trip but would like to, just give us a call here at camp and we’ll send you the appropriate forms. You can also sign up your teen for the trip on Visiting Day here in the office. Your child must be entering 9th grade or higher, must sign up for the 3rd session, and the trip is an additional fee.

Today’s special feature is campers dressed up for COUNTRY WESTERN DAY! Enjoy these photos in additional to the Grand Canyon ones and until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!

Sunday, July 19th

Happy Sunday fun-day! We woke up to sunny skies and warm temps, the warmest day of our summer thus far. Our campers are now settling into their majors for the session and trying lots of new activities for their minors.

We had a great deal of sporting events in and out of camp today. This morning’s tournaments were all out of camp. We had a 7th grade boys baseball game and a 9th grade girls softball game. This afternoon’s sports were all in camp. We hosted a 7th grade boys lacrosse game, a 9th grade boys baseball game, and a 9th grade boys tennis match. Lots of action is going on here at ILC.

In other departments, our theater kids are busy learning songs, staging, and lines for Free to Be ILC and Anything Goes. In cooking they’re grilling pizza and making zucchini soup. Rock Shop has lots of bands rehearsing and lessons going on all day. In Pioneering they’re busy on the climbing wall, ropes courses, giant swing, zip line, building fires, and hiking around trails. This only touches upon all of the activities going on here at camp today.

Out on the western front, our CITs on the teen tour have a huge day today. They’re taking a 9 ½ hour tour of the Grand Canyon! On this tour they’ll see the Painted Desert, the Little Colorado River Gorge, and the Historic Cameron Trading Post on the Navajo Nation. The highlight will for sure be a hike along the edge of the Grand Canyon so they can enjoy the glorious sunset. They’ll then dine with a spectacular view of the canyon. Pictures will come later on our CampMinder daily summer photos.

Today’s special feature is pictures from the WEST COAST TEEN TRIP from the past week! Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park, Las Vegas, San Diego Zoo, working at a food kitchen, and more.

Here at camp, tonight’s evening activity is Counselor Hunt. The counselors hide around camp and the kids have to find them and bring them into the gym. Once brought in the kids find out if the counselors are worth positive or negative points. The bunk with the highest number of points earns LTB.

That’s it for today. Until tomorrow, ILC U THERE!